2011-10-16 20:27:18 UTC
As a public service message in the admitted most corrupt state in the
country, the State of Illinois, which has gone so corrupt as the
practice of the law did, that it created a Governor who had no idea he
was doing anything wrong when selling Senate Seats.
Arguably because attorneys do things like this in the courts all the
time, as what he was taught to be right and wrong over a very long
period of time as an attorney first.
Where we promote and reward attorneys for doing so. As he was able to
obtain large campaign donations doing so, with the attitude he was
taught that the way we play the game is for stupid innnocent people
and the prevailing top 1% by vote conducting that popular Tea Party
Republican position on the same score.
Which they claim is necessary for America and so their ends justify
the means, in practices directed at rest of us as the majority by vote
in America, whose individual freedom and EEO have been subordinated to
people willing to put us into default to China.
To get what they want in high incomes as individuals.
America no longer has adjudicial remedies to anything as a result in
actual practice in a world where even the Better Business Bureau has
been known in IL to rule that persons who falsify home inspections
have made a credible offer when they offer to let the victims pay him
$25,000 for necessary repairs the inspector by law was required to put
into his reports.
Which he instead via his relationships was literally allowed to state
that he had not actually inspected either due to clutter.
Requiring second mortgages.
As the also attorney created adjudicial system instead requires paying
a private attorney upwards of $10,000 for matters IDES was required to
never start, and to at its worst, turn over the mandantory
documentation of what the filers claims was misconduct 2 or 3 years
ago, first reported a year ago, and continues to be extended the
option to conduct Adminstrative Review like the sexual harassment
complaint in Disclosure.
By persons who very much make what the former Governor did with the
Senate Seat, understandable and the tip of an iceberg.
By people who compete this way, the same way that created the world
wide economic collapse with what they did to our financial industry
with their foul play with mortgage applicants and credit card
All of whom as in the above, are demanded to be at their own risk by
the Tea Party Republicans to promote businesses who cannot survive
other than by selling bad mortgages, fraudulent real estate, etc.
Where ad-judicial and small claims court remedy to the public is the
only way America has to keep our business climate operating per
necessary conditions for any market to be competitive.
Requiring the truth and nothing but the truth in a reasonable manner
not in fine print or possibly able to piece together from 100s of
different documents and 60 Minutes by the time it gets this bad.
The issue and ability to do so created as able to escalate falsified
involuntary mental health if the Plaintiffs file a demand for
discovery or for the Respondents to discontinue conducting the
maneuvers of Demi Moore in Disclosure due to the excessive damage
infliction to the Plaintiff.
And other falsified claims made to judges who permit such persons to
do so off the record which the law does not, due to the motive to lie
about having done so that forms the entire original basis also for the
Statutes of Fraud, the Magna Carta, and the US Constitution.
With its demand in American Law for EEO for individuals.
Not a determined or inflicted to force on persons by gender, age,
race, religion, disability, etc, otherwise having gone back to work in
a capacity appropriate for the victim's income and education/
By persons in this matter also complaining that a lot of people had
foreclosures over the last few years, and that infliction of a
foreclosure forcing an innocent person into an income drop so large
that it creates inability to pay the mortgage, as persons also so far
under water that they cannot refinance or anything but at this point,
abandon property to foreclosure.
Anger and disgust by persons subjected to this by IDES employees also
extended free legal fees and pension/health insurance the majority in
America would love to have, has created this Occupy Wall Street like
presentation of what the victims continue to be belligerently put
through by IDES employees acting like Demi Moore in Disclosure.
Who have filed triplicate claims and continue to be made able to
refuse to provide discovery, a financial statement, etc, and complain
about their victims not yet having lost their mortgages.
Originally for 5 years running, refiling dismissed at trial with more
and raging about "being let off" about persons cleared in a trial
procedure that took $20,000 out of near retirement age IRA accounts
and home equity, also the subject of raging complaints about the
unfairness of being able to do.
And continued demand to identify and terminate like this, the ability
to certify,. own a home, or go back to work in appropriate employment.
Which the local offices demand be forced into retail and clerical "to
make life fair" in their claim, claiming that doing so is no different
from people whose foreclosures were created by Balloon end of loan
payments built into their mortgages.
As persons who if you extract the concepts, have been taught and are
rewarded doing so with judges and State of Illinois/IDES, which makes
itself popular with low income doing so.
Which makes the problems of the noncollege and low income even worse.
As every foreclosure and job loss inflicts on everybody as so large
that at no point is there any effect restricted to the target
IDES using their computer system to put taxpayers out of work again
eventually, by also keeping this up for time frames battering victims
and their families to the point of a psychiatric psychopath,
determined to set the stage for what they want.
At this point literally engaging in perfect timing around court
appearances, to get the effect that creates this ability with the
judges involved.
Taking their word for it.
And consisting of this instead, as persons determined to and who as
per a Criminal Minds episode, have created a stalking of an innocent
person whose income, legal rights, and EEO are under their "social
control" as per some notorious hate cases in downstate IL of persons
doing this to people they found out existed, in the early 1990s.
Who destroy the lives and reputations of their victims to the point of
the same kind of cases downstate IL where "watchers" were sending
death threats to a black woman who opened her own business as a small
Which they similarly viewed as "out of her place" and as a threat to
their social/political hold on high incomes in America where this is
becoming a spreading practice.
In a climate where even the Patriot Movement openly recruits and
incites people around the legal system, most notoriously police, to
just refuse to cooperate with equal protections under the law, from
refusing to provide the criminal protections to professional women
earning what men do in the same job category as "unfair to
traditionals" to the same willful strategy of this one.
Conducting strategies sufficient for a criminal court attempting to
frame innocent people due to earnings power and professional
employment, as violently as such persons used to do these things to
racial hate victims.
Alleged to be "for housewives and clerical". Persons who have
currently been turned into people whose relationship become popular
the way some of the Criminal Minds episodes do, by targeting innocent
people being sacrificed to the followers the way Christ was crucified
as the history of this practice, as it did with McCarthyism, in a
country where doing this is a serious crime.
As are police refusing to disarm criminals who commit crimes with
guns, and make fun of the innocent people they are putting into the
homeless shelters with the damages.
Who also do this openly in America because they have Tea Party
Republican support that equates killing children with the right to
bear arms.
As the majority of this also reflects in a valid observation that the
top 1% is not just indifferent as a group to the rest of America.
That group enjoys the cruelty and damages directed at victims used to
get them attention in practices that unlike the mostly peaceful
demontrations and attempts to work within the system by that route of
Occupy America, are conducting horrific damage infliction and
terrorism of the victims as per our civil rights hate history.
Which under our entire foundation of law in America, is where they
always go too far.
America's rights to live according to individual and group political
views and religion, is completely restricted to the right to do so as
long as those practices are not taking that right away from other
Which right now the promotion of Tea Party and vigilantism like this,
left behind a long time ago.
And we have to make them stop as people whose courts and elections are
completely meaningless due to the destruction of what are taxes paid
for as adjudicial law enforcement that Illinois has a horrific history
Requiring external parties to sue the State of Illinois for in one
case, the most horrific abuses of disabled persons in the United
Because Illinois and its corruptions tend to protect and promote these
kinds of abuses, as it does the use of the IDES computer system to pot
shot and veto EEO for the victims any time anybody with a login wants.
Who instead are made able to complain about this, as what our law does
include as free speech and at no time inciting other than lawsuits,
peaceful protests, and voting, about persons who are determined this
time around to regain control that favors their special interests and
high incomes.
As people who no longer reflect the voting majority in America who
continue to be subjected to this tilt and elimination of our rights in
actual practice for persons who can and do continue to seek their
objectives by what has continued to Illinois Attorney General's office
and their tax paid free lawyers as persons who keep playing their
Demanding the public have to hire attorneys in Administrative Review
the law does not permit the attorneys to turn this into either, by
persons who have a history creating ineffective counsel for victims
whose defense attorneys were also turned into ones complaining about
EEO for their victim "making me angry for housewives and clerical
By legal definition then hate crime in and by Illinois.
Except by our courts which continue to reflect the history of rape
legally in America, which is replete with judges writing up victims as
having asked for it by the way they were dressed.
And continue to reflect a muscle flexing in Ilinois of persons who
have corrupted even our courts into giving cronies money.
And demanding their victims be put into foreclosures to "make life
By people who file the fraud, conduct it like this, and have a history
of electronic harassment that at one point covered 2 states with the
massively repetitive demonstration that their relationships will and
do turn the reporting crime and the legal system into a version that
meets what this used to be like for rape and racial hate victims.
By people who fled Chicago in 1964.
Who then set up shop in the suburbs we are finding out about here.
Who continue to exert relationship created employment interference for
their victims as something their court relationships also claim is
"litigation" or any other form of cruelty obstructing their "hapless"
victims from any legal anything.
To the point of conducting openly belligerent Demi Moore in Disclosure
not just with the refusing to sign for process serving documents sent
by US mail or FedEx, of persons proud to be able to.
And who more and more threaten the rest of us with what happens to
their victims economically and otherwise eventually.
Who cannot take them to court or conduct appeals or administrative
In a case where the local office creating and triplicating this one,
has at one point as in the #2 round of this just deceptively by
appearances used not the work of the same IDES employees in the prior,
who at one point turned the US mail into a harassment tactic their
relationships do for them.
Also conducted as a result of reporting ID Fraud to IDES and engaging
in conduct like this, extending into what we are supposed to have
criminal protections from in mail and wire fraud, that in actual
practice, people do things like this because we don't.
As that Plaintiff found out the hard way for another 100 hours of
bizarre harassment by IDES, sending US mail to unlocked roadside boxes
and claiming to have not received signed for FedEx, currently
involving US mail the subject of repeat delivery attempts during
business hours to IDES in Chicago that they refused to sign for.
The snowing of the victims of this so the attorneys involved can
prevail in fraud and retaliate against any anything on the part of
their victims, whose lives are so under their thumb personally due to
the abuses their court relationships create the ability to conduct as
in the prior list.
Of telephone barrages, false claims to judges of victims "not
attending court" created by a Scott Puma ex parte with the victim and
creating the attorney not being there due to not sending the attorney
involved notice of the hearing.
To send out more arrest threats to the victims, which at one point the
Lake County States Attorney's employee in one of the priors consisting
of complete fraud and faked claims of any offense as determined at
trial with a directed finding the state had no basis for any of this,
was faxing the victims ex parte on holidays in 2007.
As what our courts are like.
And the work of persons continually made able to cover up by claiming
their victims are all 'raving mental patients' right out of Illinois
domestic violence history where most attorneys' spouses ended up
committed to institutions for reporting domestic violence or filing
for a divorce.
Also actually attempting to forcibly do so until their victims are
terror victims and abuse victims of persons who picked them out at
that point, for the ease of non-domestic stalking directed at persons
who unlike their domestic relationships, do not have the protections
their lovers do.
Victims of which in the US are turned into victims whose rights around
the courts are immediately those of domestic violence victims of
attorneys and police.
By persons who claim that due to gender and age, doing so is no harm.
Because their victims can "move in with children", "move in with
parents" in their 90s, are being "taught a lesson for traditionals and
clericals" etc. to the point that there is no end to what a psychopath
can do with our courts and public services in IL.
The one we are suffering from having a login with the State of
Illinois and our sarcastically warrant protected employment and income
Exploited like this to the point of formal domestic terror of persons
looked up by, but never having met the IDES employees involved.
Who clerks and clerical employees around the courts typically will
claim are done harm by reporting or filing any procedure about, and
the retaliation those persons direct at white collar maliciously doing
so, continues to be a violent endangement of persons who have made EEO
victims into the perfect victims coming and going around the courts.
As this is what happens to our fictional and now corrupted until
destroyed rights and EEO in the courts anything else.
Which as you will note, is a practice clearly outlawed in the UI
Statutes and codes.
But which the victims would have to pay for enforcement of, as illegal
turned into private attorneys raking in enormous sums of money from a
public that is forced to liquidate IRA's and any home equity, for
persons openly acting exactly the same way they did in racial hate
practices like this.
That required the creation of Deprivation of Rights federal criminal
law to force an end to as much as possible.
But has been revived and on a more general basis that it used to be
for flippantly having any black person seized and put to death.
Who tend to end up dead even currently from the health care removals
and "teaching a lesson" that caused one innocent college honors
student to die from an asthma attack while wrongfully imprisoned for a
rape he did not commit, but only possible to take to completion in the
courts after that innocent honors student was already dead.
From removing medical care claimed to be unnecessary.
country, the State of Illinois, which has gone so corrupt as the
practice of the law did, that it created a Governor who had no idea he
was doing anything wrong when selling Senate Seats.
Arguably because attorneys do things like this in the courts all the
time, as what he was taught to be right and wrong over a very long
period of time as an attorney first.
Where we promote and reward attorneys for doing so. As he was able to
obtain large campaign donations doing so, with the attitude he was
taught that the way we play the game is for stupid innnocent people
and the prevailing top 1% by vote conducting that popular Tea Party
Republican position on the same score.
Which they claim is necessary for America and so their ends justify
the means, in practices directed at rest of us as the majority by vote
in America, whose individual freedom and EEO have been subordinated to
people willing to put us into default to China.
To get what they want in high incomes as individuals.
America no longer has adjudicial remedies to anything as a result in
actual practice in a world where even the Better Business Bureau has
been known in IL to rule that persons who falsify home inspections
have made a credible offer when they offer to let the victims pay him
$25,000 for necessary repairs the inspector by law was required to put
into his reports.
Which he instead via his relationships was literally allowed to state
that he had not actually inspected either due to clutter.
Requiring second mortgages.
As the also attorney created adjudicial system instead requires paying
a private attorney upwards of $10,000 for matters IDES was required to
never start, and to at its worst, turn over the mandantory
documentation of what the filers claims was misconduct 2 or 3 years
ago, first reported a year ago, and continues to be extended the
option to conduct Adminstrative Review like the sexual harassment
complaint in Disclosure.
By persons who very much make what the former Governor did with the
Senate Seat, understandable and the tip of an iceberg.
By people who compete this way, the same way that created the world
wide economic collapse with what they did to our financial industry
with their foul play with mortgage applicants and credit card
All of whom as in the above, are demanded to be at their own risk by
the Tea Party Republicans to promote businesses who cannot survive
other than by selling bad mortgages, fraudulent real estate, etc.
Where ad-judicial and small claims court remedy to the public is the
only way America has to keep our business climate operating per
necessary conditions for any market to be competitive.
Requiring the truth and nothing but the truth in a reasonable manner
not in fine print or possibly able to piece together from 100s of
different documents and 60 Minutes by the time it gets this bad.
The issue and ability to do so created as able to escalate falsified
involuntary mental health if the Plaintiffs file a demand for
discovery or for the Respondents to discontinue conducting the
maneuvers of Demi Moore in Disclosure due to the excessive damage
infliction to the Plaintiff.
And other falsified claims made to judges who permit such persons to
do so off the record which the law does not, due to the motive to lie
about having done so that forms the entire original basis also for the
Statutes of Fraud, the Magna Carta, and the US Constitution.
With its demand in American Law for EEO for individuals.
Not a determined or inflicted to force on persons by gender, age,
race, religion, disability, etc, otherwise having gone back to work in
a capacity appropriate for the victim's income and education/
By persons in this matter also complaining that a lot of people had
foreclosures over the last few years, and that infliction of a
foreclosure forcing an innocent person into an income drop so large
that it creates inability to pay the mortgage, as persons also so far
under water that they cannot refinance or anything but at this point,
abandon property to foreclosure.
Anger and disgust by persons subjected to this by IDES employees also
extended free legal fees and pension/health insurance the majority in
America would love to have, has created this Occupy Wall Street like
presentation of what the victims continue to be belligerently put
through by IDES employees acting like Demi Moore in Disclosure.
Who have filed triplicate claims and continue to be made able to
refuse to provide discovery, a financial statement, etc, and complain
about their victims not yet having lost their mortgages.
Originally for 5 years running, refiling dismissed at trial with more
and raging about "being let off" about persons cleared in a trial
procedure that took $20,000 out of near retirement age IRA accounts
and home equity, also the subject of raging complaints about the
unfairness of being able to do.
And continued demand to identify and terminate like this, the ability
to certify,. own a home, or go back to work in appropriate employment.
Which the local offices demand be forced into retail and clerical "to
make life fair" in their claim, claiming that doing so is no different
from people whose foreclosures were created by Balloon end of loan
payments built into their mortgages.
As persons who if you extract the concepts, have been taught and are
rewarded doing so with judges and State of Illinois/IDES, which makes
itself popular with low income doing so.
Which makes the problems of the noncollege and low income even worse.
As every foreclosure and job loss inflicts on everybody as so large
that at no point is there any effect restricted to the target
IDES using their computer system to put taxpayers out of work again
eventually, by also keeping this up for time frames battering victims
and their families to the point of a psychiatric psychopath,
determined to set the stage for what they want.
At this point literally engaging in perfect timing around court
appearances, to get the effect that creates this ability with the
judges involved.
Taking their word for it.
And consisting of this instead, as persons determined to and who as
per a Criminal Minds episode, have created a stalking of an innocent
person whose income, legal rights, and EEO are under their "social
control" as per some notorious hate cases in downstate IL of persons
doing this to people they found out existed, in the early 1990s.
Who destroy the lives and reputations of their victims to the point of
the same kind of cases downstate IL where "watchers" were sending
death threats to a black woman who opened her own business as a small
Which they similarly viewed as "out of her place" and as a threat to
their social/political hold on high incomes in America where this is
becoming a spreading practice.
In a climate where even the Patriot Movement openly recruits and
incites people around the legal system, most notoriously police, to
just refuse to cooperate with equal protections under the law, from
refusing to provide the criminal protections to professional women
earning what men do in the same job category as "unfair to
traditionals" to the same willful strategy of this one.
Conducting strategies sufficient for a criminal court attempting to
frame innocent people due to earnings power and professional
employment, as violently as such persons used to do these things to
racial hate victims.
Alleged to be "for housewives and clerical". Persons who have
currently been turned into people whose relationship become popular
the way some of the Criminal Minds episodes do, by targeting innocent
people being sacrificed to the followers the way Christ was crucified
as the history of this practice, as it did with McCarthyism, in a
country where doing this is a serious crime.
As are police refusing to disarm criminals who commit crimes with
guns, and make fun of the innocent people they are putting into the
homeless shelters with the damages.
Who also do this openly in America because they have Tea Party
Republican support that equates killing children with the right to
bear arms.
As the majority of this also reflects in a valid observation that the
top 1% is not just indifferent as a group to the rest of America.
That group enjoys the cruelty and damages directed at victims used to
get them attention in practices that unlike the mostly peaceful
demontrations and attempts to work within the system by that route of
Occupy America, are conducting horrific damage infliction and
terrorism of the victims as per our civil rights hate history.
Which under our entire foundation of law in America, is where they
always go too far.
America's rights to live according to individual and group political
views and religion, is completely restricted to the right to do so as
long as those practices are not taking that right away from other
Which right now the promotion of Tea Party and vigilantism like this,
left behind a long time ago.
And we have to make them stop as people whose courts and elections are
completely meaningless due to the destruction of what are taxes paid
for as adjudicial law enforcement that Illinois has a horrific history
Requiring external parties to sue the State of Illinois for in one
case, the most horrific abuses of disabled persons in the United
Because Illinois and its corruptions tend to protect and promote these
kinds of abuses, as it does the use of the IDES computer system to pot
shot and veto EEO for the victims any time anybody with a login wants.
Who instead are made able to complain about this, as what our law does
include as free speech and at no time inciting other than lawsuits,
peaceful protests, and voting, about persons who are determined this
time around to regain control that favors their special interests and
high incomes.
As people who no longer reflect the voting majority in America who
continue to be subjected to this tilt and elimination of our rights in
actual practice for persons who can and do continue to seek their
objectives by what has continued to Illinois Attorney General's office
and their tax paid free lawyers as persons who keep playing their
Demanding the public have to hire attorneys in Administrative Review
the law does not permit the attorneys to turn this into either, by
persons who have a history creating ineffective counsel for victims
whose defense attorneys were also turned into ones complaining about
EEO for their victim "making me angry for housewives and clerical
By legal definition then hate crime in and by Illinois.
Except by our courts which continue to reflect the history of rape
legally in America, which is replete with judges writing up victims as
having asked for it by the way they were dressed.
And continue to reflect a muscle flexing in Ilinois of persons who
have corrupted even our courts into giving cronies money.
And demanding their victims be put into foreclosures to "make life
By people who file the fraud, conduct it like this, and have a history
of electronic harassment that at one point covered 2 states with the
massively repetitive demonstration that their relationships will and
do turn the reporting crime and the legal system into a version that
meets what this used to be like for rape and racial hate victims.
By people who fled Chicago in 1964.
Who then set up shop in the suburbs we are finding out about here.
Who continue to exert relationship created employment interference for
their victims as something their court relationships also claim is
"litigation" or any other form of cruelty obstructing their "hapless"
victims from any legal anything.
To the point of conducting openly belligerent Demi Moore in Disclosure
not just with the refusing to sign for process serving documents sent
by US mail or FedEx, of persons proud to be able to.
And who more and more threaten the rest of us with what happens to
their victims economically and otherwise eventually.
Who cannot take them to court or conduct appeals or administrative
In a case where the local office creating and triplicating this one,
has at one point as in the #2 round of this just deceptively by
appearances used not the work of the same IDES employees in the prior,
who at one point turned the US mail into a harassment tactic their
relationships do for them.
Also conducted as a result of reporting ID Fraud to IDES and engaging
in conduct like this, extending into what we are supposed to have
criminal protections from in mail and wire fraud, that in actual
practice, people do things like this because we don't.
As that Plaintiff found out the hard way for another 100 hours of
bizarre harassment by IDES, sending US mail to unlocked roadside boxes
and claiming to have not received signed for FedEx, currently
involving US mail the subject of repeat delivery attempts during
business hours to IDES in Chicago that they refused to sign for.
The snowing of the victims of this so the attorneys involved can
prevail in fraud and retaliate against any anything on the part of
their victims, whose lives are so under their thumb personally due to
the abuses their court relationships create the ability to conduct as
in the prior list.
Of telephone barrages, false claims to judges of victims "not
attending court" created by a Scott Puma ex parte with the victim and
creating the attorney not being there due to not sending the attorney
involved notice of the hearing.
To send out more arrest threats to the victims, which at one point the
Lake County States Attorney's employee in one of the priors consisting
of complete fraud and faked claims of any offense as determined at
trial with a directed finding the state had no basis for any of this,
was faxing the victims ex parte on holidays in 2007.
As what our courts are like.
And the work of persons continually made able to cover up by claiming
their victims are all 'raving mental patients' right out of Illinois
domestic violence history where most attorneys' spouses ended up
committed to institutions for reporting domestic violence or filing
for a divorce.
Also actually attempting to forcibly do so until their victims are
terror victims and abuse victims of persons who picked them out at
that point, for the ease of non-domestic stalking directed at persons
who unlike their domestic relationships, do not have the protections
their lovers do.
Victims of which in the US are turned into victims whose rights around
the courts are immediately those of domestic violence victims of
attorneys and police.
By persons who claim that due to gender and age, doing so is no harm.
Because their victims can "move in with children", "move in with
parents" in their 90s, are being "taught a lesson for traditionals and
clericals" etc. to the point that there is no end to what a psychopath
can do with our courts and public services in IL.
The one we are suffering from having a login with the State of
Illinois and our sarcastically warrant protected employment and income
Exploited like this to the point of formal domestic terror of persons
looked up by, but never having met the IDES employees involved.
Who clerks and clerical employees around the courts typically will
claim are done harm by reporting or filing any procedure about, and
the retaliation those persons direct at white collar maliciously doing
so, continues to be a violent endangement of persons who have made EEO
victims into the perfect victims coming and going around the courts.
As this is what happens to our fictional and now corrupted until
destroyed rights and EEO in the courts anything else.
Which as you will note, is a practice clearly outlawed in the UI
Statutes and codes.
But which the victims would have to pay for enforcement of, as illegal
turned into private attorneys raking in enormous sums of money from a
public that is forced to liquidate IRA's and any home equity, for
persons openly acting exactly the same way they did in racial hate
practices like this.
That required the creation of Deprivation of Rights federal criminal
law to force an end to as much as possible.
But has been revived and on a more general basis that it used to be
for flippantly having any black person seized and put to death.
Who tend to end up dead even currently from the health care removals
and "teaching a lesson" that caused one innocent college honors
student to die from an asthma attack while wrongfully imprisoned for a
rape he did not commit, but only possible to take to completion in the
courts after that innocent honors student was already dead.
From removing medical care claimed to be unnecessary.