Grandstanding Fraud in America as how we do things in our Courts, Business, Politics, and even the First Impressions of Employment Practices
(too old to reply)
2011-10-16 18:09:03 UTC
Occupy Wall Street has become a world wide movement in a world that
has become a global economy which has to work together for economic
and other shared concerns in ways we never have in world history

Where the internet and telecom in practice, has both made our global
economy possible and is creating a world where we are all becoming
exposed to and getting to know each other culturally and politically
as we do business together in a world economy.

Where the focus on the top 1% "getting theirs" at the expense of
everybody else, and the history of America's capitalism having that
flaw due to the combination of a lack of a strong moral and ethical
environment in our country, in what is too often in America continuing
to be a created opportunity just waiting to encounter motive.

Which in our culture that has extended what we used to claim would
happen with Benjamin Spock creating spoiled children whose sibling
rivalry socialization has been extended into what they do as adults
with our country.

We don't teach people good sportsmanship, we don't teach "let the best
man win" essential for the operation of any benefit from competition
to society, we don't teach children to share their toys, and we don't
teach children to play well with others.

We teach "who dies with the most toys win" as a joke that
unfortunately describes our culture of greed and corruption viewed as
an example of the ends justify the means, and success at any cost,
that currently took down a world economy a couple of years ago.

Which like most of us, is still struggling with the same faction that
is creating a world wide economic sluggishness no different from the
one in America, and more and more foreclosures and insolvencies, than
we already had.

Instead of fewer and fewer.

We have a culture that currently views relationship created options to
abuse other people and authority to the point of racial hate crime and
WWII, as a badge of success in our society.

Where 100 years ago, even the KKK wore hoods to cover their faces and
did not want to be identified murdering innocent black people.

Other than to each other.

We are in a world that has been there and done this with what the
corruptions of the old Soviet Union and Eastern Europe did to their
once dream of communism and socialism rapidly redeveloped the same
inequities with the majority that in those countries, communism was
created to remedy.

As the American republic's democractic government and free
capitalistic markets have.

To the point of recreating the existence of persecuting private
individuals no longer free to live according to their religious and
political views.

Which we now call "politics".

And continue to use in the creation of the large economic disparity in

To the point of the IDES administration having personnel at that
agency who have been using their computer system and database to
target hiring by private companies.

Which in that light, turns into the demand for hiring persons with the
"right relationships" and the "right political views" according to
they who pot shot and target innocent private individuals.

Making fun of the term innocent when doing so.

Given this is how America competes, I am not sure where and how we
expected any different result from the one we got.

As persons currently in this climate make fun of our courts and trial
procedures, corrupted into a very analagous corruption of our
essential individual freedoms, rights, and privacy, corrupted into a
public farce.

In a country where we once passed the law to create the right for any
individual to be judged on their individual merits.

And how promote judging individuals on whatever "impressions" we get.

In the same employment process, which has also turned into this.

History tends to note that persons who create this kind of an upper
class for themselves are as we see, not willing to give it up and as
illustrated, are willing to sacrifice the majority of us to protect
their greed.

Where America's history as overseas, is consistently one of a strong
economy when the rich paid high taxes justified by their benefiting so
much from our tax paid programs which aid their investments, their
companies, and their employees.

The fallacy with Reagan being that in the short run, as with the
payroll tax cuts currently, that approach can yield benefits
temporarily similar to the fiscal policy use by the US government to
combat inflation, stagflation, and recession.

But those measures have to be temporary.

Because we quickly turned into bleeding out and destroying what we
used to maintain and invest in.

America and its people, where then, a Jobs and Wozniak could develop
the first personal computer in a home garage, financed by selling
calculator and old bus, and price the thing at $666.66 reportedly
because Wozniak liked the repeating numbers.

As illustrating the never ending pipeline of economics in America,
being not the investments of the wealthy.

But the country that makes it possible for any parents and any child
to have the equal rights and opportunities in America, where we once
recognized that our country's vitality was created by a simple fact.

We used to know that our economy and government was created and
maintained by persons who can and do range from the children of the
wealthy like the Kennedys and Rockefellers, to the children of a newly
single mother who had to go to nursing school when women did not have
EEO to raise a child someday Bill Clinton, a US President also
changing everything for all of us.

Just as importantly as the children of the Kennedys have.

And with any system without the EEO for both in everything we do,
flounders and stagnates just as any other economy corrupted like this
in history in any country in the entire world.

Which requires our shared resources created by taxes to keep our
infrastructure and schools, provide regulation to create perfect
information for the consumers as much as we can and protect our people
from error and fraud, to protect this American system of

The wealthy used to face a system that assessed their benefit from our
government tax paid programs to their high incomes, protected and
maintained alos in large part by the use of tax funds for the
infrastructure physically and otherwise necessary for their
investments to succeed.

More importantly than their investments.

Which is where I think we as a people have lost our way to the point
of a justification for what has become a world wide uprising, because
greed and corruption has gone to far that we have not just lost our
way, we are destroying ourselves and the rest of us.

To feed the greed and corruption of a few in the top 1% who continue
to preach unsustainable exemption from paying their fair share and
forcing that burden instead on the majority who does not have their
money to conduct the grandstanding public theatrics.

As misleading as the verbage such persons used to sell mortgages and
credit to persons who clearly were never going to be able to pay.

And whose fabrication to get what they want habits have destroyed our
economy, business, courts, and government.

As persons who continue to get what they want the way Demi Moore did
in Disclosure.

The same way in everything they do.

In a world where the often demonized for human rights violations of
the Chinese and its totalitarian communist government, is actually the
one case in point in which a communist government has and continues to
improve the lives of the average chinese.

While our top 1% and the majority of the wealth and party politics
like power to similarly abuse authority and the public, creating a
court system the public has no access to in actual practice in America
right now either if the powerful in that top 1% don't want them to, is
hell bent on the destruction of America to get themselves the
privileged lifestyles they otherwise would not enjoy.

As persons whose thievery and cheating to get what they want has
destroyed a world economy.

And is willing to throw America into default to the Chinese to do so
as persons completely immune from the consequences.

Whose practices mimic those of persons portrayed on Criminal Minds as
dangerous psychopaths. Who have to figure out what to say or do in
order to keep ploying eg, refusing the mandatory discovery, finding
more ways to keep blocking the victims from mandatory constitutional
protections which are the demanded discovery and trial procedures, and
keep demonstrating they can keep repeating until the battering and the
damages get the result they want.

As how America does everything and promotes as a badge of success.

That disgusts the world.

That is sooner or later also going to demand they be held accountable.
2011-10-16 21:34:23 UTC
lastone AKA Contemporarylegal:
usenet is for discussion, not just a
place to SPAM your insane drivel
over and over again.

Please buy a verb more often,
and tell the truth about your brain disorder.
