More Unannounced IDES with 100% 4x Legal Limit Recoup Fraud: Solicitation of Stalking based Fake Fraud Reporting and Demanding College Forced into Hardware Store Jobs
(too old to reply)
2011-10-29 19:45:32 UTC
As the State of Illinois continues to conduct its history of removing
every possible check and balance on the government, including the
escalating use of the IDES/IDOR computer system as an illegal
warrantless investigation tool that having a login on that computer
system creates out it, as the only barrier to doing so is the
discretion of persons logging in.

As the US Border Patrol has found its staff employees doing with their
logins to law enforcement databases used for the lucrative purpose of
tipping off drug smugglers of what any US law enforcement was
attempting to do about them.

As more of the unnannounced discretionary government that does what it
wants to anybody it wants to, and given we have no ability remaining
to enforce existing law or any other law about State of Illinois that
has gone far worse than selling US Senate seats, the following is what
most of these retroactive lump sum recoupments of every dime IDES has
ever paid out, as posted on their web site under Forms.

They are evidently asking that anybody who thinks they know of someone
who is not "looking for a job" or has a PO Box address, be turned in
as potential fraud to IDES which will investigate.

And there are no time limits, as an agency again, operating like they
are in the old Soviet Union and collecting forcibly using the police
and Sheriff's departments.

That also files the appeals for you, as an issue they have formally
removed from your control and any rights about, contradicting the UI
Statute there too, by declaring reconsiderations possible for them to
decide to use for a Referee hearing instead.

That being on their new forms for reconsiderations.

Of issues they file as many times as it takes to get the desired
damages inflicted to persons they demand look for and accept any work
at all to "make life fair" for noncollege on extended benefits who
have to by law.

And do little but muscle and threaten the public about your income,
your rate of pay, and what they can and as here, will do to you if
they want to.

Which the removal of regulation enforcing the law on such persons and
attorneys in particular in IL, has turned this into.

Because with Illinois and Madigan's office bankrolling these things by
aiding and abetting them in obstructing the public's rights into what
they have created as a system destruction into having money to pay
attorneys or having the rights in practice of most civil rights hate.

Because we are now in general for this reason, as powerless as people
were prior to 1964.

As the attorney illegally recreated state of affairs by making any
other form of law enforcment for us, which we are bled dry paying for
out of our taxes the way we are the salaries of most of the attorneys
who do this and get their relationships enormous incomes doing.

Complete with that literal incitement of anybody who wants to report
and stalk any person identified as on UI insurance.

To the point that you can no longer use your home or anywhere else to
look for any form of professional EEO required EEO in America, because
they who control by being able to conduct strategic timing with your
information in that database, have escalated this far.

And are demanding professional people be forced into foreclosures and
applying in person at retail stores.

While they are disrupting and assaulting the professional application
and interviewing process they don't engage in, and have resumed
blocking the public from.

In the latest act of war at State of Illinois.

Suffering in their union protected lavish income jobs with full
pension and insurance most of America cannot imagine.

And who by sociopathically doing this to the rest of us, are wiping
out what was supposed to be there for people who are unable to find a
job period, the noncollege being the majority of that group right now.
2011-10-30 15:28:34 UTC
