Vietnam Vets Can Proceed with Case Over CIA Testing of Electronic Implants, Mind Control
(too old to reply)
2010-01-21 04:05:01 UTC
Vietnam Vets Can Proceed with Case Over CIA Testing of Electronic
Implants, Mind Control by Jamie Ross 1/20/10 (CN)

A federal judge in San Francisco has given the green light to an
action by Vietnam vets saying the CIA prevented roughly 7,000 human
subjects from getting medical care after they were subjected to
experiments on mind control, implantation of electronics and the
effects of exotic drugs. Federal Judge Claudia Wilken allowed a
challenge to the consent forms signed by individual plaintiffs
involved in the experiments, to the extent that they required an oath
of secrecy. At the same time, she dismissed the challenge to the
legality of the CIA's human testing program of the 1950s and '60s....

The court also denied the CIA's motion for judgment that the
plaintiffs' claims are time-barred and that the court lacks
jurisdiction because the plaintiffs' medical care "has been wrongfully
withheld," causing them injury due to the agency's failure to act. The
CIA and the U.S. Army experimented on human subjects in the 1950s. The
experiments included exposing subjects to "various chemicals, drugs
and/or the implantation of electronic devices" and "developing mind-
control methods."

About 7,800 armed services volunteers participated, but were not fully
informed of the potential risks of the procedures.
Special Care
2010-01-21 18:45:50 UTC
Does that include Martti Koski?