2011-10-14 14:47:07 UTC
In this period in American history, one of the expressions of a demand
to recreate a privileged class not by historical wealth, education,
and private resources, but by creating a counter to American equal
rights and equal justice under the law with "who you know", has gone
so far that the victims have been reduced to status of a second class
citizen that goes so far that the practice is edging back into what
created Deprivation of Rights criminal law against this use of the
courts in America.
Created by a privileged class determined to restore itself into that
top 1% in America it once was until 1964.
Currently restored to a horror story with our courts of finding ways
to persecute and povertize to level and corrupt jobs, education, and
public services in America into the once and demanded returned,
privilege of a minority in America by majority rule, currently
restoring themselves to that top 1% by collusion, corruption, and
In Illinois, heavily backed by persons who fled Chicago in 1964, and
are often caught having by corruption and cover up, continued to
pursue the same practices our majority rule system outlawed in 1964.
Extended to the demand for equal pay for other persons attacking and
assassinating persons who as Jobs and Wozniak did, by their own
efforts and hard work are successful until persons seeking that
restored corruption of the American dream into the harassment and
strategic targeting of people who include the current movement against
Mensans in America and people like Jobs and Wozniak in that
intellectual ability range.
Demanding 'making life fair' by conducting terror and assassination of
the success and successful people in a demand for a corrupted
relationship based elite the American foundation does not permit, but
does typify the current great divide in America.
Of a privileged class by collusion and corruption of the legal and
political process in America into one that fixes wagons and outcomes
to what recreate that privileged class.
The raging publicity laden theatrics claiming that President Obama was
really not an American and attempting to incite the public to not vote
for the President the way IDES conducts its legal strategy with
inflammatory grandstanding fraud that gets results the judges involved
should not have provided but can be incited into in the heat of the
moment by persons maliciously and cold bloodily also threatening the
safety and careers of the judges they co-opt into practices the
American courts have had to create federal criminal law against and
with a history of being used to frame and murder black men as a
demonstration of the abuse of power to the point of creating the Civil
Rights Act of 1964.
And whose strategies are not discussing issues with the public, as
their legal procedures do not consist of mandatory discovery and trial
Their strategies consist of finding ways to get what they want with
fraud and cheating we currently have destroyed our economy with and
are in danger of a permanent destruction of American with.
IDES and the Illinois State of Corruption that corrupted our law
schools a long time ago in Illinois, making a good case study for
comparison as a perfect case study for what has gone wrong in America
economically and otherwise.
The top 1% claiming that they created America with their investments
and demanding no taxes to allow them to continue to do so.
History demonstrating that America's business and economy seems to
involve the ideas and work of people like Jobs and Wozniak, whose
original funding came from selling a van and a calculator, and that
America's prosperity has been tied to high taxes for the rich.
That was also used to pay for the reinvestment in America necessary to
keep our pipeline of people like Jobs and Wozniak to the neighbor who
baby sits for a neighbor who has lost their job, of great teachers for
our grade schools that produce our people, and the general climate for
commerce in America we no longer have.
And arguably got this far with the demand for no taxes for the rich
because we had done such a good job until we started doing this.
As with IDES, persons with the top 1% in Illinois tending to be
Republican and Tea Party, and exercising similar demands backed by
economic vise on the public, currently escalating into exercising
political terror about jobs, hiring, and business in IL.
Specifically literally including levelling the playing field by
"making life fair" by terrorism of people up to and including of Steve
Jobs' abilities.
Whose successes are vetoed by literal political terror corrupting
hiring in America with harassment that has extended in court system
abuses our judicial in their 1% of Illinois relationships have created
the option for our legislature and Congress did not create and
explicitly outlawed.
As an illustration of the same dispute directed at the election of
Barack Obama in 2008.
Harassed with political pull demonstrations with fraud like the never
ending fracas about his birth place.
As other people are harassed by State of Illinois in particular
enraged at their hiring and accomplishments by methods that continue
to emulate the birth certificate fracases directed at Barack Obama
harassing a sitting US president.
Directed at private individuals who currently as per LinkedIn and
demands for top 1% priority by ability to conduct public political
terror with fraud successfully and able to conduct public popularity
as also what they do at work and what they do in their jobs at work.
Which are not those of elected public officials.
And in the American legal system, are a US labor dispute they have
created doing so and demanding displacement of their competitors and
rivals with fraud the way the birth certificate dispute has been
directed at creating public terror about a legitimately elected public
Because that is the corrupted and destroyed America bled to death
financially and otherwise that those persons demand.
Which has corrupted hiring and public services into a country club for
the connected who get what they want by staging political fraud the
way the radio ads also did the night before the last Presidential
elections claiming that the President had been identified as a
terrorist with ties to black terror and muslim terror groups in
Timed to do the damage to the vote the next day, as is the continual
strategy of IDES in the courts and with its illegal abuses of New Hire
and Quarterly Wage reporting to direct the same at victims of this.
Attempting to stage fraud ruckuses that make the victims look bad with
fraud, attempting to grandstand firings and malicious prosecutions
they do have a public record of conducting since around the time of
the Patriot Act.
Directed at private individuals who do not work in roles that normally
are a matter of a Senate confirmation hearing or the newspapers.
But by pay scale and "traditional" status, are subjected to
grandstanding fraud the practioners of which call "politics" that are
legal system does not classify as free speech and where used in the
courts, is a serious crime.
That their political allies have a literal policy of refusing to
provide that protection of to a public demanded to have rights if they
can pay $40,000 to private attorneys to force their rights we have
enacted federal criminal law about as recently as in the 1960s.
As a resurrected practice of persons also known to file claims their
victims and plaintiffs in disputes are "mental patients" to the point
of Palatine PD in Illinois sending out their illegal and by
concealment and retaliation, outlawed involuntary social workers
retaliating for FOIA requests their employer does not appreciate and
can do them enormous damage.
Defeating our entire FOIA system where that corruption covers up what
the American people need destroyed.
As the use of fraud grandstanding demands for involuntary mental
health continue to do in their legal disputes, trumping legal disputes
by claiming the victims are all "mentally ill and delusional" so many
times by the same payroll that makes a fortune doing so, consist
primarily of a legal battle our Circuit Courts have been expressly
forbidden for a long long time.
Removing the rights of the victims to dispute fraud other than if they
can conduct a political and financial battle on the topic conducted
then entirely staging huge public theatrics tarring and feathering the
reputations of innocent people with the fraud they file with courts.
Resurrected and demanded not be expunged, for reuse no matter what the
outcome of the legal procedures like an investment in a guaranteed
poison pen letter system our entire legal framework was designed to
remove the ability to.
By persons who also have the financial clout to remove reporting
anything they do including by the use of the Usenet or other public
posting as they put into fraudelent public records, about persons who
due to their licensing and creation of public records about victims
due process procedures had cleared, do have a legal right to post
their views in this manner to the internet and to a newspaper.
Because that practice is this methodical was a legal strategy as well.
As is the grandstanding fraud to the judicial to cold bloodedly incite
judges into giving a lawyer who just lied to a judge, but is made able
to keep it off the formal record and deny doing so, and continues to
file and conduct claims the victims reporting what he did are
"mentally ill".
By an attorney associated with a Scott Puma most recently, who as an
attorney filed and conducted public services removal demands by
injunction conducted for over 1.5 years, also conducted by
grandstanding theatrical removals of the victims from hearings and
obstruction of justice for the victims in need of criminal protections
but having to over come the attorney's obstruction methods including
grandstanding innocent people with fraud repeatedly.
While also directing so much barrage electronic harassment at the
victims and their families that Puma in the courts meets domestic
terror criteria as does this legal practice in the courts.
Then getting to the legal strategy of State of Illinois as per the Tea
Party strategies conducting "politics" and using any method possible
to start harassment about innocent people including the complete
falsification as "strategy demonstrations" that were those used in the
creation of the collapse of the world economy doing so with business
writing mortgages and selling real estate fraudelently.
Illinois does not produce discovery or demanded trial.
Its evidence at best consists of claiming subject matter was ruled on
in another procedure.
At worst it has escalated into claims the plaintiffs IDES is currently
demanding forced up to $12,000 in triplicate fraudulently created
debts created by ID Fraud used to remove the due process rights to
discovery and dispute by the persons being forced into payments.
Also listing every fraudulently created and denied garnishment to date
when that gets to the legal system that enforces the Statute of
Frauds, as a "debt" and "garnishment" the way State of Illinois does
with fraudulently filed and dismissed cases directed at the public.
Since the Patriot Act, claiming to be "annoyed".
And again, falsifying statements to police and courts as a legal
As persons who have their ways to do so, that our courts continue to
illegaly provide and are not going to stop doing so without an Occupy
Wall Street taken up against the State of lllinois and IDES in its
"for business" policies our laws classify as theft, fraud, and
As they classify the politics "for business" of attempting to defeat
legislation by inciting shooting Gabby Gifford to death.
And persons whose grandstanding is waiving around documents to judges
as "evidence" they also will not provide to the victims or file in
advance, with the documentation, to permit dispute.
Granted to attorneys like Micheal Prousis on record also falsifying
claims their victims have also filed and are conducting stalking
restraining orders against them to judges to get the judge to refuse
to restrain Micheal Prousis in the adminsitrative review process for
IDES, from continuing to take this legal strategy up.
Filed by a plaintiff who had filed for an Adminstrative Review of
Board of Review/Peter Zaper who had just done this about the prior
Administrative Review vs Board of Review/Peter Zaper, who immediatley
repeated the offense and claims to the court to " have reviewed".
The Plaintiff immediately became the object of 2 to 3 more at the same
time, and filed a request the courts restrain the respondents from
doing so.
Used to obstruct the Adminstrative Review plaintiffs even in the
restraining order requests about conduct their judicial relationships
in the restraining order requests claim is not "harassment" but
Followed by the Respondents showing up at the hearings claiming to not
having been served.
Prousis on record refusing to sign for certified or Express US mail,
but again, all orchestrated so his battered victims are not possibly
able to present that material evidence to the judge in legal
procedures IDES conducts like this even with Administrative Review of
procedures IDES is not free to conduct and much less like this about
any claim, this one being large dollar fraud, due to the filer doing
so years later and outside any time limits for doing so.
IDES now not using the time limits without any option to do so, which
the legislature enacted law to prohibit even IDES directors from
But enacted in practice by attorneys like Prousis at IDES.
With a legal strategy the law classifies as something serious and when
directed at the public by a goverrnment, domestic terror and public
About which the judicial sympathy creating this ability has also
issued threats at the public for attempting to take into the courts.
With aborted trial procedures aborted by grandstanding claims the
Plaintiffs are 'mentally ill' by Peter Zaper and Micheal Prousis.
Using the same grandstanding fraud in every hearing on the matter
subseuqently to bake cakes and frame the public into the results they
Currently escalating as in prior incidents, into attempting to put the
Plaintif finto a homeless shelter to get rid of their legal problems
and legal accountability to the public which is mightily justified in
Occupy Wall Street and its wise perception of our desperate hour as a
people and a country about persons who have created a problem in
America as and more severe than the list of category created one that
created the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
Who have turned our courts into a formal appearances fraud against a
backdrop of criminal conduct and obstruction of the taxpayers that has
turned IDES into a Cabrini Green nightmare made out of good intentions
and funding such persons are diverting to relationships and pouring
into the garbage as they povertize America into their relatinoships
and the 99%.
Like this.
As such persons "got theirs" writing mortgages the public could not
possibly pay or know they could not possibly pay, as with similar
practices in the credit card industry, and continue to be made able to
blame the rest of us.
As the public is told to pay $40,000 to an attorney to force the State
of Illinois to produce discovery in a fraud it continues to conduct
terror of the EEO of the public with to the point of justifying
extending Deprivation of Rights federal criminal law into a broader
piece of legislation that simply outlaws the practices in any court
and legal procedure in America.
As we have to outlaw involuntary mental health in America that also
serves the same role rapidly nothing but also a political terror
practice made able to do anything it wants on the say so of the
relationships, all rights removed for victims of this also to the
demand for over $40,000 in legal fees to force the rights to dispute
fraud in, and that putting victims into a homeless shelter doing so
being "harm".
Instead of "making life fair" about their pay scales, IRAs used to
keep from losing mortgages into foreclosures inflicted by the
financial damages inflicted by the same persons demanding any
protections left be wiped out, and demonizing innocent people fro EEO
pay scales, owning property, prevailing in a legal; dispute, filing a
criminal complaint, etc.
In the endless "any excuse will do" of exercising public corruption on
this level directed at the public at the discretion of a public
employees who typify Pay to Play and the actual environment that
created selling Senate seats.
And rage at professional people being allowed to work multiple part
time jobs, out of their homes, pursue additional certifications, or
anything else, in an endless practice other countries prosecute under
Mobbery laws and hate speech laws, about persons who continue to
incite third persons to lash out at innocent people in a practice that
also created the shootings in AZ.
to recreate a privileged class not by historical wealth, education,
and private resources, but by creating a counter to American equal
rights and equal justice under the law with "who you know", has gone
so far that the victims have been reduced to status of a second class
citizen that goes so far that the practice is edging back into what
created Deprivation of Rights criminal law against this use of the
courts in America.
Created by a privileged class determined to restore itself into that
top 1% in America it once was until 1964.
Currently restored to a horror story with our courts of finding ways
to persecute and povertize to level and corrupt jobs, education, and
public services in America into the once and demanded returned,
privilege of a minority in America by majority rule, currently
restoring themselves to that top 1% by collusion, corruption, and
In Illinois, heavily backed by persons who fled Chicago in 1964, and
are often caught having by corruption and cover up, continued to
pursue the same practices our majority rule system outlawed in 1964.
Extended to the demand for equal pay for other persons attacking and
assassinating persons who as Jobs and Wozniak did, by their own
efforts and hard work are successful until persons seeking that
restored corruption of the American dream into the harassment and
strategic targeting of people who include the current movement against
Mensans in America and people like Jobs and Wozniak in that
intellectual ability range.
Demanding 'making life fair' by conducting terror and assassination of
the success and successful people in a demand for a corrupted
relationship based elite the American foundation does not permit, but
does typify the current great divide in America.
Of a privileged class by collusion and corruption of the legal and
political process in America into one that fixes wagons and outcomes
to what recreate that privileged class.
The raging publicity laden theatrics claiming that President Obama was
really not an American and attempting to incite the public to not vote
for the President the way IDES conducts its legal strategy with
inflammatory grandstanding fraud that gets results the judges involved
should not have provided but can be incited into in the heat of the
moment by persons maliciously and cold bloodily also threatening the
safety and careers of the judges they co-opt into practices the
American courts have had to create federal criminal law against and
with a history of being used to frame and murder black men as a
demonstration of the abuse of power to the point of creating the Civil
Rights Act of 1964.
And whose strategies are not discussing issues with the public, as
their legal procedures do not consist of mandatory discovery and trial
Their strategies consist of finding ways to get what they want with
fraud and cheating we currently have destroyed our economy with and
are in danger of a permanent destruction of American with.
IDES and the Illinois State of Corruption that corrupted our law
schools a long time ago in Illinois, making a good case study for
comparison as a perfect case study for what has gone wrong in America
economically and otherwise.
The top 1% claiming that they created America with their investments
and demanding no taxes to allow them to continue to do so.
History demonstrating that America's business and economy seems to
involve the ideas and work of people like Jobs and Wozniak, whose
original funding came from selling a van and a calculator, and that
America's prosperity has been tied to high taxes for the rich.
That was also used to pay for the reinvestment in America necessary to
keep our pipeline of people like Jobs and Wozniak to the neighbor who
baby sits for a neighbor who has lost their job, of great teachers for
our grade schools that produce our people, and the general climate for
commerce in America we no longer have.
And arguably got this far with the demand for no taxes for the rich
because we had done such a good job until we started doing this.
As with IDES, persons with the top 1% in Illinois tending to be
Republican and Tea Party, and exercising similar demands backed by
economic vise on the public, currently escalating into exercising
political terror about jobs, hiring, and business in IL.
Specifically literally including levelling the playing field by
"making life fair" by terrorism of people up to and including of Steve
Jobs' abilities.
Whose successes are vetoed by literal political terror corrupting
hiring in America with harassment that has extended in court system
abuses our judicial in their 1% of Illinois relationships have created
the option for our legislature and Congress did not create and
explicitly outlawed.
As an illustration of the same dispute directed at the election of
Barack Obama in 2008.
Harassed with political pull demonstrations with fraud like the never
ending fracas about his birth place.
As other people are harassed by State of Illinois in particular
enraged at their hiring and accomplishments by methods that continue
to emulate the birth certificate fracases directed at Barack Obama
harassing a sitting US president.
Directed at private individuals who currently as per LinkedIn and
demands for top 1% priority by ability to conduct public political
terror with fraud successfully and able to conduct public popularity
as also what they do at work and what they do in their jobs at work.
Which are not those of elected public officials.
And in the American legal system, are a US labor dispute they have
created doing so and demanding displacement of their competitors and
rivals with fraud the way the birth certificate dispute has been
directed at creating public terror about a legitimately elected public
Because that is the corrupted and destroyed America bled to death
financially and otherwise that those persons demand.
Which has corrupted hiring and public services into a country club for
the connected who get what they want by staging political fraud the
way the radio ads also did the night before the last Presidential
elections claiming that the President had been identified as a
terrorist with ties to black terror and muslim terror groups in
Timed to do the damage to the vote the next day, as is the continual
strategy of IDES in the courts and with its illegal abuses of New Hire
and Quarterly Wage reporting to direct the same at victims of this.
Attempting to stage fraud ruckuses that make the victims look bad with
fraud, attempting to grandstand firings and malicious prosecutions
they do have a public record of conducting since around the time of
the Patriot Act.
Directed at private individuals who do not work in roles that normally
are a matter of a Senate confirmation hearing or the newspapers.
But by pay scale and "traditional" status, are subjected to
grandstanding fraud the practioners of which call "politics" that are
legal system does not classify as free speech and where used in the
courts, is a serious crime.
That their political allies have a literal policy of refusing to
provide that protection of to a public demanded to have rights if they
can pay $40,000 to private attorneys to force their rights we have
enacted federal criminal law about as recently as in the 1960s.
As a resurrected practice of persons also known to file claims their
victims and plaintiffs in disputes are "mental patients" to the point
of Palatine PD in Illinois sending out their illegal and by
concealment and retaliation, outlawed involuntary social workers
retaliating for FOIA requests their employer does not appreciate and
can do them enormous damage.
Defeating our entire FOIA system where that corruption covers up what
the American people need destroyed.
As the use of fraud grandstanding demands for involuntary mental
health continue to do in their legal disputes, trumping legal disputes
by claiming the victims are all "mentally ill and delusional" so many
times by the same payroll that makes a fortune doing so, consist
primarily of a legal battle our Circuit Courts have been expressly
forbidden for a long long time.
Removing the rights of the victims to dispute fraud other than if they
can conduct a political and financial battle on the topic conducted
then entirely staging huge public theatrics tarring and feathering the
reputations of innocent people with the fraud they file with courts.
Resurrected and demanded not be expunged, for reuse no matter what the
outcome of the legal procedures like an investment in a guaranteed
poison pen letter system our entire legal framework was designed to
remove the ability to.
By persons who also have the financial clout to remove reporting
anything they do including by the use of the Usenet or other public
posting as they put into fraudelent public records, about persons who
due to their licensing and creation of public records about victims
due process procedures had cleared, do have a legal right to post
their views in this manner to the internet and to a newspaper.
Because that practice is this methodical was a legal strategy as well.
As is the grandstanding fraud to the judicial to cold bloodedly incite
judges into giving a lawyer who just lied to a judge, but is made able
to keep it off the formal record and deny doing so, and continues to
file and conduct claims the victims reporting what he did are
"mentally ill".
By an attorney associated with a Scott Puma most recently, who as an
attorney filed and conducted public services removal demands by
injunction conducted for over 1.5 years, also conducted by
grandstanding theatrical removals of the victims from hearings and
obstruction of justice for the victims in need of criminal protections
but having to over come the attorney's obstruction methods including
grandstanding innocent people with fraud repeatedly.
While also directing so much barrage electronic harassment at the
victims and their families that Puma in the courts meets domestic
terror criteria as does this legal practice in the courts.
Then getting to the legal strategy of State of Illinois as per the Tea
Party strategies conducting "politics" and using any method possible
to start harassment about innocent people including the complete
falsification as "strategy demonstrations" that were those used in the
creation of the collapse of the world economy doing so with business
writing mortgages and selling real estate fraudelently.
Illinois does not produce discovery or demanded trial.
Its evidence at best consists of claiming subject matter was ruled on
in another procedure.
At worst it has escalated into claims the plaintiffs IDES is currently
demanding forced up to $12,000 in triplicate fraudulently created
debts created by ID Fraud used to remove the due process rights to
discovery and dispute by the persons being forced into payments.
Also listing every fraudulently created and denied garnishment to date
when that gets to the legal system that enforces the Statute of
Frauds, as a "debt" and "garnishment" the way State of Illinois does
with fraudulently filed and dismissed cases directed at the public.
Since the Patriot Act, claiming to be "annoyed".
And again, falsifying statements to police and courts as a legal
As persons who have their ways to do so, that our courts continue to
illegaly provide and are not going to stop doing so without an Occupy
Wall Street taken up against the State of lllinois and IDES in its
"for business" policies our laws classify as theft, fraud, and
As they classify the politics "for business" of attempting to defeat
legislation by inciting shooting Gabby Gifford to death.
And persons whose grandstanding is waiving around documents to judges
as "evidence" they also will not provide to the victims or file in
advance, with the documentation, to permit dispute.
Granted to attorneys like Micheal Prousis on record also falsifying
claims their victims have also filed and are conducting stalking
restraining orders against them to judges to get the judge to refuse
to restrain Micheal Prousis in the adminsitrative review process for
IDES, from continuing to take this legal strategy up.
Filed by a plaintiff who had filed for an Adminstrative Review of
Board of Review/Peter Zaper who had just done this about the prior
Administrative Review vs Board of Review/Peter Zaper, who immediatley
repeated the offense and claims to the court to " have reviewed".
The Plaintiff immediately became the object of 2 to 3 more at the same
time, and filed a request the courts restrain the respondents from
doing so.
Used to obstruct the Adminstrative Review plaintiffs even in the
restraining order requests about conduct their judicial relationships
in the restraining order requests claim is not "harassment" but
Followed by the Respondents showing up at the hearings claiming to not
having been served.
Prousis on record refusing to sign for certified or Express US mail,
but again, all orchestrated so his battered victims are not possibly
able to present that material evidence to the judge in legal
procedures IDES conducts like this even with Administrative Review of
procedures IDES is not free to conduct and much less like this about
any claim, this one being large dollar fraud, due to the filer doing
so years later and outside any time limits for doing so.
IDES now not using the time limits without any option to do so, which
the legislature enacted law to prohibit even IDES directors from
But enacted in practice by attorneys like Prousis at IDES.
With a legal strategy the law classifies as something serious and when
directed at the public by a goverrnment, domestic terror and public
About which the judicial sympathy creating this ability has also
issued threats at the public for attempting to take into the courts.
With aborted trial procedures aborted by grandstanding claims the
Plaintiffs are 'mentally ill' by Peter Zaper and Micheal Prousis.
Using the same grandstanding fraud in every hearing on the matter
subseuqently to bake cakes and frame the public into the results they
Currently escalating as in prior incidents, into attempting to put the
Plaintif finto a homeless shelter to get rid of their legal problems
and legal accountability to the public which is mightily justified in
Occupy Wall Street and its wise perception of our desperate hour as a
people and a country about persons who have created a problem in
America as and more severe than the list of category created one that
created the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
Who have turned our courts into a formal appearances fraud against a
backdrop of criminal conduct and obstruction of the taxpayers that has
turned IDES into a Cabrini Green nightmare made out of good intentions
and funding such persons are diverting to relationships and pouring
into the garbage as they povertize America into their relatinoships
and the 99%.
Like this.
As such persons "got theirs" writing mortgages the public could not
possibly pay or know they could not possibly pay, as with similar
practices in the credit card industry, and continue to be made able to
blame the rest of us.
As the public is told to pay $40,000 to an attorney to force the State
of Illinois to produce discovery in a fraud it continues to conduct
terror of the EEO of the public with to the point of justifying
extending Deprivation of Rights federal criminal law into a broader
piece of legislation that simply outlaws the practices in any court
and legal procedure in America.
As we have to outlaw involuntary mental health in America that also
serves the same role rapidly nothing but also a political terror
practice made able to do anything it wants on the say so of the
relationships, all rights removed for victims of this also to the
demand for over $40,000 in legal fees to force the rights to dispute
fraud in, and that putting victims into a homeless shelter doing so
being "harm".
Instead of "making life fair" about their pay scales, IRAs used to
keep from losing mortgages into foreclosures inflicted by the
financial damages inflicted by the same persons demanding any
protections left be wiped out, and demonizing innocent people fro EEO
pay scales, owning property, prevailing in a legal; dispute, filing a
criminal complaint, etc.
In the endless "any excuse will do" of exercising public corruption on
this level directed at the public at the discretion of a public
employees who typify Pay to Play and the actual environment that
created selling Senate seats.
And rage at professional people being allowed to work multiple part
time jobs, out of their homes, pursue additional certifications, or
anything else, in an endless practice other countries prosecute under
Mobbery laws and hate speech laws, about persons who continue to
incite third persons to lash out at innocent people in a practice that
also created the shootings in AZ.