Christian pastor calls for gays to be shot
(too old to reply)
2016-06-19 13:22:19 UTC
This is truly terrible. Should merit a ten year jail sentence
and then deportation to a deserted island. He keeps quoting the old
testament , what about the bit about killing disobedient children?
Should his children be taken into safety because he insists on
following the bible literally, based on the inspired word of a non
existent god?


An American preacher has said that he is ‘not sad’ that gay people
were killed in the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, saying, ‘The tragedy is
that more of them didn’t die.’
Other extremist Christian groups such as Westboro Baptist Church have
spoken out to say that the patrons of the Pulse nightclub would be ‘in
Hell’ after the killings.
The group said, ‘God hates fags. God sent the shooter. God hates
murderer Omar Mateen. Omar Mateen & slain fags are in hell.’
Pastor Roger Jimenez from Verity Baptist Church caused revulsion
around America with a televised rant which said, ‘Are you sad that 50
pedophiles were killed today? Um no. I think that’s great. I think
that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida, is a little safer
‘The tragedy is that more of them didn’t die. The tragedy is I’m kind
of upset he didn’t finish the job – because these people are
predators. They are abusers.’
‘I wish the government would round them all up, put them up against a
firing wall, put the firing squad in front of them and blow their
brains out.’


An American preacher has said that he is ‘not sad’ that gay people
were killed in the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, saying, ‘The tragedy is
that more of them didn’t die.’
Other extremist Christian groups such as Westboro Baptist Church have
spoken out to say that the patrons of the Pulse nightclub would be ‘in
Hell’ after the killings.
The group said, ‘God hates fags. God sent the shooter. God hates
murderer Omar Mateen. Omar Mateen & slain fags are in hell.’
Pastor Roger Jimenez from Verity Baptist Church caused revulsion
around America with a televised rant which said, ‘Are you sad that 50
pedophiles were killed today? Um no. I think that’s great. I think
that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida, is a little safer
‘The tragedy is that more of them didn’t die. The tragedy is I’m kind
of upset he didn’t finish the job – because these people are
predators. They are abusers.’
‘I wish the government would round them all up, put them up against a
firing wall, put the firing squad in front of them and blow their
brains out.’
2016-06-19 16:12:13 UTC
On Sun, 19 Jun 2016 13:22:19 GMT
Subject: Christian pastor calls for gays to be shot
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2016 13:22:19 GMT
Newsgroups: soc.culture.indian,soc.culture.usa,uk.legal,us.legal
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.21/32.243
Big Whoop! muslims call for that daily and then
when found throws them off tall buildings.
Looks like you are doomed.
