Hi, if you don’t know who 8 Passengers are, they’re a family of 8 YouTube
family. They have produced video content since around 2014/2015 regularly
and in recent years have been subject to controversy in the past for things
they have done such as; taking their youngest, Eve, to the supermarket naked
at the age of 3 with just a diaper on.
Another was when she told us Russell did not have autism because it was
something along the lines of he was not intellectually challenged.
Thirdly, she sent her son to a behaviour camp which focused on kids who had
done drugs, carried knives etc for the reason that he was kicked out of
And finally, the subject we are talking about today; she banned all
electronics from her kids all summer, including TV. The children appeared
very sad in the recent video saying they have no friends and Ruby’s response
to this was ‘that is a very vulnerable thing for you to say, do you want me
to keep that in the video?’ - surely if she felt sad about this as she
‘sounds’ in the video, she would act on what they have said. this is due to
them having no access to talk to them friends whatsoever due to Ruby not
allowing them do.
To add to this Chad - her second eldest, told us in the recent video that
has recently been taking down but, I am in the process of finding the video,
that he had been left on the floor for 7 months on a beanbag, solely because
he teased his brother. If you can agree with me on this, the removal of a
bed and being left on a beanbag is going to not only give him lack of
sufficient sleep, but also create spinal problems. Ruby and Kevin say a
bedroom is a privilege and that they have consulted their therapists and
psychologists. I think a lot of us would love to know who these people are
since if you read on the removing privileges it states removing basic
necessities is child abuse.
This family are profiting off their children and focusing on themselves
first as they say, they’re the adults. They have furnished their bedroom
with a bed frame and a new furnished bathroom with a 2000 dollar toilet seat
while their children sleep on the floor on a mattress. The family will not
allow us viewers to speak and so as a result we have taken out own action,
we are supposedly ‘triggered and shouldn’t be because it’s not our kids and
we don’t live with them 24/7s’. However, Ruby produces the videos for us to
watch and so we can judge them if we choose to - there’s nothing stopping
us. Ruby a couple months ago spoke about how she shows too much of her life
and now suddenly she’s saying we know nothing about her at all?
Ruby refused to allow her kids to buy more than like 2/3 sweatpants etc,
basically a certain amount of each clothing and there’s allegations that she
makes them buy their clothes. A couple months ago, Ruby came out with a
video sharing her battle with buying clothes as a stress reliever which I
find very hypocritical as she had around 3 boxes of unused clothes which she
bought solely for the sake of it. So let’s break this down, she doesn’t buy
her kids clothes with the MONEY she gets from them being on camera but then
she can buy thousands of clothes with that money and not wear them YET she’s
talking about removing privileges from Chad?
She has been calling us viewers snowflakes and in denial yet she is quite
frankly the words she’s describing us as. She is currently also training to
become a LIFE COACH if that makes you gasp anymore. I understand it is a
bold move to critique her parenting when we do not know her personally,
however, I think any like minded, fair and understanding human being will
understand that this is not right - especially the friends thing and bean
bag thing. Ruby says it’s okay because the ‘kids are fine and okay’, it’s
easy for them to say that because they can tell the kids what to do and the
kids have been brought up by her so they’re obviously going to think it’s
normal when they cannot even socialise with their friends.
Just to finish this off I’d just like to add some quick summaries etc.
• Ruby doesn’t allow her kids to use electronics all summer which makes it
even worse when we’re in a pandemic, they’re new to the neighbourhood, they
live over an hour away from their school and she is there recording her
children to edit the videos on electronics and profit from them.
• Ruby said she was going to clear up any ‘misconceptions’ regarding the
whole situation, so she did on her Instagram story - however a couple hours
later she deleted it. Was this due to the backlash? I don’t really think any
misconceptions can be made by us as viewers watching the video because it
clearly shows the kids sad that they cannot talk to friends or not even have
friends and that Chad was on the floor. However, Ruby and Kevin continued to
stand their ground and say that because Chad went to a behaviour camp which
involves him sleeping in the wilderness , it’s okay for him to sleep on the
floor at home. THEIR 7 BEDROOM, $775,000 HOME.
Thank you for reading, please sign the petition and follow my account