IDES Fraud Victims Accurately Predicted Filing and Recouping More in Massive Duplications of Dimissed Cases Refiled when Dismissed
(too old to reply)
2011-10-17 16:00:07 UTC
The Staffing Now assault of the re-employed via conducting fraud
recoupments in massive dollar amounts via relatitionships at IDES has

As has the stated legal strategy of Peter Zaper and Michael Prousis,
who has predicted, and evidenced by fouling out preparation for court
dates, are continuing to conduct their falsified recoupments by out of
court harssment of the Plaintiff with duplicated and triplicated
procedures filed and conducted illegally out of Grayslake IDES.

As the entire prior list of triplicated and duplicated recoupment
demands continue to be generated by.

As a "political action demonstration" of persons working for State of
Illinois engaged in cybercrime and racket operations with public funds
and the UI insurance program.

Consistent with the prior strategy of conducting $20,000 in damage
infliction just with the legal fees inflicted by IDES staff filing
externally falsified complaints vs the same Plaintiff since 2005.

Back to back just like this, as "business" of public corruption,
rackets, and wagon fixing the taxpayers IDES continues to pay itself
lavishly and pour enough in taxes into the toilet to put teachers and
police back to work.

As IDES has become a Cabrini Green doing this to the returned to work
until as the original filer predicted, a Glen Murrin of Lombard IDES,
he puts his victims into the shelters with the malicious criminal
fraud and cybercrime Glen Murrin and his pals conduct at IDES.

Directing domestic terror at private individuals and the private
sector in business being taught a lesson that they hire who public
corruption wants and supports or their hired staff and they will be
put into the shelters by the harassment and damage infliction.

A Diane Orozco of Grayslake IDES has done this to the best example I
know of regarding the extent of criminal conduct by IDES staff using
the database to put taxpayers into the shelters.

What Grayslake IDES has done this time, is to generate another
massively duplicated and repeated until it gets the results the IDES
employee wants it to.

Putting innnocent people into the shelters with the financial damage
inflicton they continue to engage in since the victim evidently also
was able to charge a $75 bill made known to a staff member acting
like most ID theft and fraud, raging at "having credit" and "Having
money" ever since.

Like this, that IDES continues to generate to harass the other
procedures with the original fraud, conducted by persons who file
another fake every time their victim goes near the courts about the
damage infliction with fraud.

A falsified protest was filed by an unknown third party, which as
issue #18 was shut down with work search documents and letters from
the former employer who approved UI benefits as well.

It was then on 9/26/11 immediately refiled as issue #19.

In which this this repeat, the documents were evidently maliciously
thrown out by "Di" at 847-543-7665 at Grayslake IDES also engaging in
repetitive harassing phone calls on voicemail at the time.

Who has now despite dismissal of the same issue in #18, repeated in
#19, with cake baking fraud, has issued another recoupment demand in
the amount of over another $1000.

Evicting the victim from their existing mortgage, put out of work by
IDES and Staffing Now eventually 2 months ago, and as the best open
public demonstration I know of, IDES and Staffing Now are putting
their victim working with more reputatable companies than Angie
Dawkins of Staffing Now showing up years later to assault employees of
much more well respected companies as highly competitive in the market
and EEO appropriately employed and paid.

Until by now over 12 months of this later, homicidal damage infliction
by State of Illnois employees in unionized positions raging at "damage
to professional college being money that makes me angry for clerks in
the courthouse and clerical staff who intercept the faxes and throw
them out".

As accessories to felony and federal crime.

Conducted stated to be "making life fair" and "teaching her a lesson".

The victim having to pay and engage in thousands of hours of "gift
wrapping" in that case, the CPA since 50% complete, and with cake
baking "evidence" generated evidently repeating filing the same claim
as #18 and #19 literally, except this time throwing out the faxed work
search and letters from employer.

Which is what all of this continues to consist of, making Zaper,
Prousis, and IDES operators of a racket.

Down to the reliance on mail and wire fraud to do so, as well as this
continual disappearance of documents faxed in that were received fro
#18 closed as a nonissue, but thrown out when refiled as #19, as per
the ongoing triplicated issues IDES has also continued to repeat and
refile and use the victim's IDs for.

Because Ken Santiago whose name is on the external filings used to put
the victims into the shelters with this demonstration of the public
corruption of our courts and public services, has made them able to.

As has Zaper and Prousis.

Endangering the United States by making any State of Illinois lavishly
paid public corruption on their union protected staff including the
office managers engaged in this since Murrin at Lombard since 2005,
all requiring $20,000 in legal fees to force discovery and the
mandantory lawful version of procedures.

About offenses they fabricated the way both of these were, as the
formal findings of a court ina due process trial procedure the racket
operators keep being made able to resume directing at the highly
educated that they call "politics".

And to ruin the victim for life professional and otherwise, are
expected to do the same this 3rd attempt around, on national and
Chicago television.

As what success this time is going to take, if they are forced to
produce the mandantory discovery and terminate filing more fraud to
harass the Plaintiff by attorneys and IDES who have replaced sexual
harassment with this.

As Zaper and Prousis' generation was one of the leading edge hit by
the Civil Rights Act of 1964 acting like their midlife crisis on the
subject as has their pride in public corruption, has gone so far the
public needs everybody involved conducting these, forced to resign.

And no longer with the lavish pensions, health insurance, or protected
lives while engaged in practices worse than Licenses for Bribes.
2011-10-17 16:13:00 UTC
lastone AKA Contemporarylegal:
usenet is for discussion, not just a
place to SPAM your insane drivel
over and over again.

Please buy a verb more often,
and tell the truth about your brain disorder.
