2011-10-29 01:42:52 UTC
The state that has brought us attorneys who attempted to sell Barack
Obama's old Senate seat has brought us a new one, which is that same
view of the database at IDES, creating a public corruption power over
jobs and money of a Dillinger.
About which the public has the rights of racial hate victims notified
they were "uppity" and to be "put in their place".
As an agency that in the last 16 months has turned itself into a self
serving operation a lot more dangerous than Licenses for Bribes was,
the new and latest act of "we do anything we want to anybody we want"
because Lisa Madigan's office pays our legal fees and provides free
attorneys to the agency as an office that at that point has become an
accessory enabling and willfully protecting the rising tide of
criminal practices at the State of Illinois, that as in this example,
functions for the greater good of the public employees, elected or
otherwise, at the State of Illinois.
As the latest open public demonstration of what the misuse of any and
all tax funds at Illinois continues to spiral into, IDES has now
embarked upon recouping anything it wants, threatening to use police
and Sheriff's to strong arm payments that are not owed to the agency,
Peter Zaper has announced in court that they don't have to cooperate
with anything the victims cannot force them into and his judicial
relationships continue to create his option to literally notify the
public that anybody who claims ID theft or fraud is a "mental patient"
and will be drug injected if they don't shut up.
Well, now that the rats among us with the database keys and your bank
information, have embarked upon recouping at a rate of 100% of your UI
benefits claiming that anybody who has any IRA funds is "not in
hardship" and "they can".
IDES staff as per the one mentioned creating this one, and heavily
banking on the US mail to fix up her scheme, so far has again thrown
out the documentation which as per the original in this one, cannot be
forced into the procedures without a bankrupting court procedure
Illinois has an open history under Madigan of costing the victims of
State of Illinois public corruption over $20,000 in legal fees to
force discovery as persons who are rapidly and intent on putting their
victims into homeless shelters and more than one avowing to anticivil
rights hate as per foreign cultures that Illnois' lack of enforcement
of the Human Rights Act has turned the State of Illinois into a
political terror.
The scam artist at State of Illinois targeting the public as 'having
money' and inflicting foreclosures, has for example entered most
things she does at least 3 times each in triplicate, until there are
no two documents with even the same dollar amounts as she acts like
she is pushing buttons on Nintendo, which the "up and coming
political" under Madigan appear to have taken to the Michelle Bachman
political views of the topic.
Which is that might makes right, and their "powerful relationships"
are and have been used to create enough public corruption with IDES
and jobs/education in Illinois to terminate their funding for the rest
of their lives.
By anybody, and at this point, using IDES to attempt to turn victims
into Section 8 and "public health" for our health insurance, by people
who seem to have public corruption jobs who are living it up on also
not just excessive pay, but full pensions, full health insurance,.
etc, and pot shotting the public the way an old civil rights movie
showed soldiers doing competiting to see how could murder a 2 year old
As what this keeps turning into, with ID theft and fraud out of those
files by State of Illinois employees having now gone into the homicide
Given the credit card thief in there who is "angry about having money"
is recouping the benefits being recouped too.
And all at the illegal criminal range of excessive abusiveness to make
a point about how criminally publicly corrupt is connected to judges
and lawyers like Madigan's office who make them able to do things like
In a state that is has rapidly become a threat to the country.
As the art of conducting public corruption over hiring, use of our tax
paid public services other than by their pals and themselves, etc, has
put the US out of business with our state government existing at this
point, as a parasite that will keep feeding itself on us including
like this long after the parasite has turned the public and the people
it clearly doesn't serve, but ogres and feeds on, has nothing left to
bleed off.
In a practice that appears clearly mentally ill and psychopathic at
this point, created by our State of Illinois government that views
anything and everything paid for with our hard earned tax dollars as
at this point at IDES, tribute of some kind to people who see
themselves as gods and goddesses who do anything they want to anybody
they want.
And our freedom of expression like this under free speech is one of
the last remaining major targets as one of the last checks and
balances on corruption a lot worse than exposed to date in the most
recent trial procedures that at this point were about people who in
this setting I find completely believable did not think they were
doing anything wrong.
As that was minor compared to the rest of this and what other
attorneys and government employees do all the time, as most of they
are focused on.
As why Peter Zaper attempts to have anybody who takes them to court
claimed 'mentally ill' to obstruct reporting anything like this
anybody at IDES does, clearly then openly with the collusion of the
management and state government that is not going to improve.
Obama's old Senate seat has brought us a new one, which is that same
view of the database at IDES, creating a public corruption power over
jobs and money of a Dillinger.
About which the public has the rights of racial hate victims notified
they were "uppity" and to be "put in their place".
As an agency that in the last 16 months has turned itself into a self
serving operation a lot more dangerous than Licenses for Bribes was,
the new and latest act of "we do anything we want to anybody we want"
because Lisa Madigan's office pays our legal fees and provides free
attorneys to the agency as an office that at that point has become an
accessory enabling and willfully protecting the rising tide of
criminal practices at the State of Illinois, that as in this example,
functions for the greater good of the public employees, elected or
otherwise, at the State of Illinois.
As the latest open public demonstration of what the misuse of any and
all tax funds at Illinois continues to spiral into, IDES has now
embarked upon recouping anything it wants, threatening to use police
and Sheriff's to strong arm payments that are not owed to the agency,
Peter Zaper has announced in court that they don't have to cooperate
with anything the victims cannot force them into and his judicial
relationships continue to create his option to literally notify the
public that anybody who claims ID theft or fraud is a "mental patient"
and will be drug injected if they don't shut up.
Well, now that the rats among us with the database keys and your bank
information, have embarked upon recouping at a rate of 100% of your UI
benefits claiming that anybody who has any IRA funds is "not in
hardship" and "they can".
IDES staff as per the one mentioned creating this one, and heavily
banking on the US mail to fix up her scheme, so far has again thrown
out the documentation which as per the original in this one, cannot be
forced into the procedures without a bankrupting court procedure
Illinois has an open history under Madigan of costing the victims of
State of Illinois public corruption over $20,000 in legal fees to
force discovery as persons who are rapidly and intent on putting their
victims into homeless shelters and more than one avowing to anticivil
rights hate as per foreign cultures that Illnois' lack of enforcement
of the Human Rights Act has turned the State of Illinois into a
political terror.
The scam artist at State of Illinois targeting the public as 'having
money' and inflicting foreclosures, has for example entered most
things she does at least 3 times each in triplicate, until there are
no two documents with even the same dollar amounts as she acts like
she is pushing buttons on Nintendo, which the "up and coming
political" under Madigan appear to have taken to the Michelle Bachman
political views of the topic.
Which is that might makes right, and their "powerful relationships"
are and have been used to create enough public corruption with IDES
and jobs/education in Illinois to terminate their funding for the rest
of their lives.
By anybody, and at this point, using IDES to attempt to turn victims
into Section 8 and "public health" for our health insurance, by people
who seem to have public corruption jobs who are living it up on also
not just excessive pay, but full pensions, full health insurance,.
etc, and pot shotting the public the way an old civil rights movie
showed soldiers doing competiting to see how could murder a 2 year old
As what this keeps turning into, with ID theft and fraud out of those
files by State of Illinois employees having now gone into the homicide
Given the credit card thief in there who is "angry about having money"
is recouping the benefits being recouped too.
And all at the illegal criminal range of excessive abusiveness to make
a point about how criminally publicly corrupt is connected to judges
and lawyers like Madigan's office who make them able to do things like
In a state that is has rapidly become a threat to the country.
As the art of conducting public corruption over hiring, use of our tax
paid public services other than by their pals and themselves, etc, has
put the US out of business with our state government existing at this
point, as a parasite that will keep feeding itself on us including
like this long after the parasite has turned the public and the people
it clearly doesn't serve, but ogres and feeds on, has nothing left to
bleed off.
In a practice that appears clearly mentally ill and psychopathic at
this point, created by our State of Illinois government that views
anything and everything paid for with our hard earned tax dollars as
at this point at IDES, tribute of some kind to people who see
themselves as gods and goddesses who do anything they want to anybody
they want.
And our freedom of expression like this under free speech is one of
the last remaining major targets as one of the last checks and
balances on corruption a lot worse than exposed to date in the most
recent trial procedures that at this point were about people who in
this setting I find completely believable did not think they were
doing anything wrong.
As that was minor compared to the rest of this and what other
attorneys and government employees do all the time, as most of they
are focused on.
As why Peter Zaper attempts to have anybody who takes them to court
claimed 'mentally ill' to obstruct reporting anything like this
anybody at IDES does, clearly then openly with the collusion of the
management and state government that is not going to improve.