WARNING 2nd Try: Economy Germany-East(exDDR) straggles
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2009-08-21 12:55:51 UTC
Standard: Please, Reactions ONLY!! > Newsgroup"us.legal"
Newsgroups: nl.politiek
Subject: Re: LOCKERBIE_ZEIST:Burgomaster R.Boekhoven garanties anything, and P.M. Kok too?
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 02:10:17 +0200


Shortly after 1989("Berliner" Wall), at the (hidden) request of the Bundeskanzler
- via the female Head of one of the 3(three) Main laboratories of German greatest enterprise -
form./material., comprehensio/extensio a.o. soc.-econ.-fin.,ecological(ly) too, there then so,
esp. spec. as to civil/civic Germany-East <- relative(ly): "Developments" etc. -> Germany-West
With relative(ly) lower wages-costs [since then: East_wages by Germany-STATE/GOVs ~ "fixed"],
a high, generally skilled/educated labourers/employees_Population,
within mostly "traditional"(more or less "old"/ageing) activity/actions/operations
Therefore/That's why nowadays - there then so - prerequisites, as soon as possible,
evt instigated and coordinated(~ Work-lunches with Captains of Industry), cooperated, at least
highly supported by Your STATE, FAST and big, grand/ambitious/largescale investments of..
German-West_Enterprises in/as to ADVANCED firms - there then so with aim/goal/gain <-> EXPORT!
e.g.: Jena/fibers-lenses, ICT/compu(,with whizzards >); watersports; aviation(exRussian bases).
2009-08-22 10:54:43 UTC
Standard: Please, Reactions ONLY!! > Newsgroup"us.legal"

"jdewitte" <jdewitte.kpnmail.nl> wrote in message news:4a8e9951$0$4717$***@news.kpn.nl...
Subject: WARNING 2nd Try: Economy Germany-East(exDDR) straggles
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 14:55:51 +0200


Thus so:
Legal/Judicial/Executive_Branches-"Model(ling) < REALITY",
esp. in last decade as to entrepreneurs-investments, as to such "expansions"
- not better use of (existing)capacity,
but (new) capacity, OR - mainly: - (new) product(s) OR (new) organisation(s), adding -
as to maintaining "continuity"(on very long terms) <-> "shareholders-value":
Shareholders-value proved again! not being the only necessary sufficient ratio/reasoning
and such more or less independent of:
Boards/emplyees own salary/bonus (:) virtual!, rentability (X)OR shareholders-value
Accountancy(Interne OR Externe)="ad random"(!) fully depends on firms_Realities-infos;
both firms_Boards with Accountancies/Advisors using same Hardware/STATSsoftware(?!)
with knowing(ly)! same systematic failures, and probably same incidental failures;
by the way, Boards/Accountancy/Advisors knowing/well-understood/well-considered must,
have to interpolate/intrapolete/extrapolete as to theirs Own Survey OR PUBLICATIONS!;
Evt!! Boards Etc. the PUBLIC_consecutive ANNUALS manipulating > FALSE..,
e.g. for the Accountancy is using our(!)/same Hardware/STATSsoftware ?!:
Some Years ago, dutch Supreme Court as to regular, "publicated" ANNUAL REPORTs with
Accountancy-stamp/attest/authenticate/certify ~ In essence of NO MEANING!;
Some 2 decades ago, at Bos Kalis'Annual Shareholders'Meeting advised on accountancy,
an entrepreneur > South Africa, 1 month living in an Hotel opposite one of his plants,
returned, as to His Concern_Accountancy using bad language.. -

What "finds"? the US-STATEs_Government/_etc. ?
Which actions/law-suits ?
Which reforms/corrections/improvements ?

Frequently, big enterprises without entrepreneur-spirits merge/buy advanced firms, e.g.:
< Desperation < Lack/short of time < Out of Market(s)?, (X)OR
< System!
Evt!!: cf./cfm. a.o:
"us.legal", on very long terms, a.o.:
US_ENRON :: Ad: FORMER investigating/controlling/inspecting/checking/verifying etc.
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 15:09:39 +0100
US_ENRON :: Ad: FORMER investigating/controlling/inspecting/checking/verifying etc. (2/2)
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 14:54:24 +0100verifying etc.
US_ENRON :: Ad: FORMER investigating/controlling/inspecting/checking/verifying etc. [1+2/2]
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2002 15:08:18 +0200
Corporate governance::Value"papers" & INDEPENDENCY-ADVICES>private-property
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 13:16:56 +0200
Annex: Plant-use rate fell to 75.9 percent,in four months,in September 2002
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 13:59:49 +0200
Accountancy/Auditing < Ius/Lex: EU-USA_Unification/Harmonization/Coördination,Coöperation
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2003 13:15:09 +0100
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Further,
while as to all-in-one, interdependency, en public, the three crises:
Civil trust as to in particular GOVs ("steady state")measures-effectivity, on longer! terms
The 2008-2009_USoA/GOVs"bails-outs" > financial sector > (Society-)fin-econ, being misused,
mainly as supporting/strengthening each competitioning "Going Concern"_POWER-status, and by
the way, specific legislation, say penal-preventive/repressive will not be effective as to
extreme payments[Y/N:delay]: Facts/factuals lost e.g. in/within firms_Books-complexities(?!)
OR, relevant, de facto/de iure, INFOs/DATAs-Storage(s), plus evt. after about 5-10 years ?;
Already TV/MEDIA reported returning in one way or an other of (old?) extreme salary/bonus..
Evt!!: cf./cfm. a.o:
"us.legal", more recently, a.o.:
[www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/12/14/AR2008121402670_pf.html >]
Bail-outs favourable maintaining EXCESSIVE executive-payments ?
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 11:33:12 +0100
"nl.politiek", on long terms, a.o:
Re: Gaan we VOOR stemmen?
Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 02:40:08 +0200
Re: Gaan we VOOR stemmen?
Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 12:53:57 +0200