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Newsgroups: nl.politiek
Subject: Re: LOCKERBIE_ZEIST:Burgomaster R.Boekhoven garanties anything, and P.M. Kok too?
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 02:10:17 +0200
Shortly after 1989("Berliner" Wall), at the (hidden) request of the Bundeskanzler
- via the female Head of one of the 3(three) Main laboratories of German greatest enterprise -
form./material., comprehensio/extensio a.o. soc.-econ.-fin.,ecological(ly) too, there then so,
esp. spec. as to civil/civic Germany-East <- relative(ly): "Developments" etc. -> Germany-West
With relative(ly) lower wages-costs [since then: East_wages by Germany-STATE/GOVs ~ "fixed"],
a high, generally skilled/educated labourers/employees_Population,
within mostly "traditional"(more or less "old"/ageing) activity/actions/operations
Therefore/That's why nowadays - there then so - prerequisites, as soon as possible,
evt instigated and coordinated(~ Work-lunches with Captains of Industry), cooperated, at least
highly supported by Your STATE, FAST and big, grand/ambitious/largescale investments of..
German-West_Enterprises in/as to ADVANCED firms - there then so with aim/goal/gain <-> EXPORT!
e.g.: Jena/fibers-lenses, ICT/compu(,with whizzards >); watersports; aviation(exRussian bases).
Newsgroups: nl.politiek
Subject: Re: LOCKERBIE_ZEIST:Burgomaster R.Boekhoven garanties anything, and P.M. Kok too?
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 02:10:17 +0200
Shortly after 1989("Berliner" Wall), at the (hidden) request of the Bundeskanzler
- via the female Head of one of the 3(three) Main laboratories of German greatest enterprise -
form./material., comprehensio/extensio a.o. soc.-econ.-fin.,ecological(ly) too, there then so,
esp. spec. as to civil/civic Germany-East <- relative(ly): "Developments" etc. -> Germany-West
With relative(ly) lower wages-costs [since then: East_wages by Germany-STATE/GOVs ~ "fixed"],
a high, generally skilled/educated labourers/employees_Population,
within mostly "traditional"(more or less "old"/ageing) activity/actions/operations
Therefore/That's why nowadays - there then so - prerequisites, as soon as possible,
evt instigated and coordinated(~ Work-lunches with Captains of Industry), cooperated, at least
highly supported by Your STATE, FAST and big, grand/ambitious/largescale investments of..
German-West_Enterprises in/as to ADVANCED firms - there then so with aim/goal/gain <-> EXPORT!
e.g.: Jena/fibers-lenses, ICT/compu(,with whizzards >); watersports; aviation(exRussian bases).