NSA Remote Neural Monitoring and Electronic Brain Link: monitoring EVERYONEs thoughts, secret human sabotage
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2013-07-07 17:33:27 UTC
i am seeking legal assistance, and the aid of spreading this message. if
you know of any law firms who have expertise in dealing with abuse from
military, CIA, NSA, and FBI threats, please get back to me. if you are
an attorney interested in representing me, please get back to me. you
can email me at ***@oregonstatehospital.net or go through my website
for more details. http://obamasweapon.com/ - I am badly injured, being
controlled by the CIA. they have these energy weapons everywhere around
America. please help..

the ultimate in NSA corruption, US government conspiracies. literally
every person in every square inch of the world is being monitored by the
NSA via secret satellite and ground based sensors. the CIA and DoD rolls
around the world with secret compact brain computer interfaces which
fits inside cars - they monitor and image brain waves, reading each
individual neuron. a computer puts these signals back together, and they
through continious monitoring, they have access to everything in your
mind; in your home, in private, and more. see, hear, through walls using
advanced terahertz wave imaging and fMRI techniques. and see what you
see, hear, think, feel, dream, and know - extract bank codes, passwords,
private ideas, sexual encounters, and anything that you happened to have
experienced or know. all remotely. they use directed energy to invade
peoples minds, get inside, simulate psychosis, and remotely attack
peoples bodies. they are covertly linked up, a microwave transmitter
beams signals into agents minds, it's called synthetic telepathy. there
are victims world wide, the US is not alone in developing
electromagnetic or mind control weapons. they can also heat, chill,
buzz, flood your body with photons and light energy, move tissue around,
do things to your environment. all covertly, and there isn't an attorney
in the world that can stop them. right now... there are hundreds of
thousands of victims, people reporting they were abused by this
technology. it definitely exists, but no mechanism is known to stop it.
the government will never admit they are monitoring you like this, or
that they have hurt a person with these weapons. it's time the world
knew.. I hope you do something proactive to help my cause, or to spread
the word about this technology. I have been in the CIA's control now for
five years, and they are abusing and raping me with this weapon. i have
severe brain and body damage, and I cannot stop the abuse. they inflict
injury after injury, all of it under Obama's order. exposing this means
exposing Obama and the USA, the biggest undercover crime spree, and
abuse of human and civil rights to ever occur, dating back years, to
hundreds of thousands of unwitting and helpless victims. you can tell
why they want to keep it secret so bad. read nsa.pdf on my website for
more details about Remote Neural Monitoring, and Electronic Brain Link.
some details exposed by NSA Whistleblower Russell Tice, warrantless
spying and abuses by the NSA and DoD. my belief now is that police
nationwide, and worldwide, have access to these technologies, and are
abusing these systems and people in secret. the technology and abuses
definitely exist, but why is no one talking about it..


nsa.pdf is attached below or at

ps. the US Department of Justice isn't barred clearance from
investigating. they rely on and use this technology daily. they are
directly involved in my abuse, and covering it up. the US DOJ has never
done a single thing about government crime. CIA abusing or killing
people, the Bush administrations torture of people to get information.
they kill, rape, and slaughter people on a regular basis, and the US DOJ
is there to cover it up and back Obama up. fuck the USA.

also read the Washington Post article Mind Games, to see what it's like
to live like this. Does the US government deserve to get by with these
abuses? secret human torture and experimentation on hordes of Americans
and people around the world?


more links below

Who am I? Todd Giffen
405 W Centennial BLVD
Springfield, OR 97477

I am living in an electromagnetic field thanks to the FBI and US DOJ.

complaint about: Eric Holder, Jr., US Attorney Amanda Marshall, US
Attorney's Office Portland, David Deutch US DOJ Civil Rights Division,
Robert Koch US DOJ Civil Rights Division, Civil Rights Division, FBI
Portland, FBI Salem, FBI Eugene, FBI Agent Roberts, and FBI Agent
Suttle, others. Possibly US DOJ OIG office, who received many
titles: US Attorney General, US Attorney, FBI Agents, US DOJ Inspector
where they at? Portland, Salem, Eugene, Washington DC. Others

Oregon, Washington DC.

where did the abuse occur? 97477, 97301, 97402, 97242

United States

Salem, Springfield, Eugene, Portland, All over as I travel.

Oregon, Nationally
how long has it been going on? 2007-2013 and ongoing.
who's the complaint against? US DOJ OIG, US DOJ Civil Rights Division,
FBI, US Attorney's, US Attorney General

who else did I contact? nsa oig, 5 different fbi offices (portland,
seattle, san fransico, washington dc, newyork), whitehouse, governor
kitzhaber, state police, oig of department of defense, oig of us doj
civil rights and oig of us doj other departments.

Dear xxx,

Name is Todd Giffen. Sent many emails, and left details of my abuse by
the CIA and FBI here in Oregon on the attorney generals voice mail, OIG
office, OIG email and also forwarded emails to several FBI offices over
the last year, no response and dealing with system wide abuse; along
with the state of Oregon, and local police. They have some top secret
technology, which was used on me to spy on me, simulate psychosis, and
injure me. Sure you have heard of psychotronic weapons, synthetic
telepathy, remote neural monitoring, and electronic brain link? These
are computer systems which use remote imaging techniques to read neuron
activity from afar; a computer decodes brain signals, tracks many
thousands of people at once, and it can be used to peer into peoples
minds. see what they see, hear, think, feel, remember, dream, monitor
all neuron activity from afar. it is a machine which does remote
monitoring of radiowave energy, and it can also do whole building and
structural fMRI. they have a light gun array which allows them to image
whole objects, humans, buildings, and more; and it also does remote
nerve and brain stimulation. it can use microwaves to manipulate
individual neurons to stimulate brain function, it can be used to send
signals into peoples brains and bodies, computerized images, sound,
dreams, etc - full remote control is possible. officers and government
officers can use it for covert communication, spying and torture. the US
DOJ and state of Oregon was using this to spy on me in 2008 at the
Oregon State Hospital, during the US DOJ investigation of whether the
state hospital violated patient rights. I was caught up in a scandal
which the state was covering up, because of the states lack of liability
insurance. It included the illegal use of this weapon to access my mind
and track me around the hospital, which staff used to abuse and harass
me over; they knew everything I was doing, thinking, and making fun of
it all; the scandal I got caught up in was the Bonita Tucker staff
member situation; she was a staff, she sexually abused me, lied about
it, and the hospital covered it up, literally refused to protect me, and
let the union members do what they wanted to abuse me. my release was
sabotaged, and the doctors framed me to look psychotic, abused me with
drugs, and mutilated me. a year after I told the truth about this women,
she was caught smuggling in large amounts of marijuana, had another
romantic relationship with a patient, helped him and another patient
escape, and caused a big scene there at the hospital. the two patients
were David Anderson and Gino Puglisi. The state didn't arrest this staff
member, and many staff members were involved and implicated; however,
the staff let her resign, protected her along with all the other staff.
I became a target of deliberate abuse, and this meant the spying and
other abuse; they had recordings of me masturbating through the walls,
for example. They were linked up in secret, receiving communications
with their minds, it allows coordinated state abuse, and cover up to
occur. The staff discussed this technology once on a unit with camera
and microphones, they had "something outside of the building that was
able to focus on just him" - I was assaulted by staff on camera, and
other serious abuses occurred. They referred to this surveillance as a
"live wire" - possibly court authorized. Was it really authorized, or
was it some unapproved form of surveillance? Because they seemed to know
that it was illegal; they were freaking out that I was going to hire a
lawyer. But they sabotaged it. They were not allowed to medicate me,
they abused me with medication on purpose. My outside doctor, Dr. Suckow
was protecting me from OSH; he said I had only ADHD and depression, and
no history of psychosis or other disorder. OSH was trying to frame me to
look paranoid over the situation, and they got away with it. I heard
many conversations on 48B, staff saying to "get him into restaints at
all cost" and after ramsacking and stealing some legal paperwork, "why
did they hide his case? they think the state lacks liability insurance,
and the judge already made his decision, and the notes are too
incriminating" - they stole the notes and refused to give them back.
Everyone at OSH knew this was going on; the state police were involved,
Office of Investigation and Training, the Governors Office, US DOJ David
Deutch and Robert Koch, who were leading the OSH investigation, and
Disability Rights Oregon, the supposed adult abuse and protection
agency; everyone knew this was happening, didn't want to incriminate
themselves, and covered this up. DeAnn Major of Disability Rights Oregon
told me before I even knew they had technology outside of the building;
I didn't believe it, I thought it was camera and microphones on the unit
doing it, that "the technology exists" when I told her she could have
come out and busted the staff doing all this weeks before if she would
have read and responded to my email. I sent the email about all these
abuses to the FBI, governors office, OIT, hospital administration, DRO,
and state police - I received no response, and this is because I had no
idea they were all involved in doing this. I had no idea that
"technology" was responsible for the abuses that occurred, but after
time I realized what was happening.

In August 2008 I tried to contact the newspaper the Statesman Journal
about these abuses, the Bonita Tucker situation (she had after a year
finally been given charges for smuggling in morphine, amphetamine, but
the state still protected her and allowed her to lie to get out of
trouble), and the spying; I was in my cell, all sorts of dates and times
on the security footage saved, and this is what happens: they used this
weapon to try to kill me. Photons flood my body, and I hear them say "no
one has ever made it this far.... like you spy for the Statesman
Journal, DeAnn Major spys for the CIA" "you're being set up to look
psychotic" - etc. Computerized sound engulfted my body, I swoll up,
nearly died as photons flooded my body, I had a 170 pulse, started to
convulse, and went into shock. They started to do things to me,
controlling and simulating my dreams, abusing me "no body cares" "die"
these were all messages that I only heard, they were being beamed
directly into my mind. They called it "abusive rhetoric" and I received
many messages, like when I got around females, it would tingle my balls
with microwaves, and say "why do your balls swell Todd"? I was in
disbelief; I knew about how brain waves traveled very far, and could be
read from a distance. I figured the hospital staff, union was doing this
to me, maybe had some type of rigged ultrasound machine down stairs,
since it would be based on technology consistent with what they had at
the hospital. well, it was something completely different, and the
remote control would never stop. They can do many things with these
microwaves, heat, chill, move tissue around, expand, push, pull, tickle,
itch, and do other things to your body. It is no simple machine, a light
gun array can paint and aim photons to wide open areas and many parts of
your body or environment at once; they can image and manipulate matter,
air molecules, walls, or your body and nerves. It allows many agents or
staff to be linked together at once, it tracks and sees people and their
energy through the walls - it is similar to EEG. It can do a lot; so,
they started to experiment on me, simulating massage, trying to slow the
convulsing and pulsating of my muscles. they did this for nearly 6
months, and my body was very badly mutilated afterward. swollen, rigid,
stiff, I was denied medical care I needed to function or repair myself.
I had to pretend it wasn't going on, staff made comments about how I was
in a coma and would never come out of it, but no one could admit to what
they did because they would surely end up having to close the hospital,
and face criminal liability for what happened. It was going to be the
biggest blemish on the face of the Bush administration, the US DOJ, CIA,
and state ever - and expose serious non-stop abuse. I got out of OSH in
2010, no they never stopped doing this to my body; it was called an
"unstructured settlement" but I never got the $16.4 million they
promised. In the community, I was in control of the CIA; undercover
agents followed me everywhere, kept using this on me, and sabotaged and
controlled my life. This is called gang stalking when agents follow a
person around and target them; but in reality, I was in their pseudo
prison, and these were agents and guards keeping me in control. All
local infrastructure was involved; local Springfield Police, the
hospitals, and my doctors; they worked with the CIA behind my back to
hide my medical condition. I was given dreams by Obama, I was the boy in
the whitehouse with muscle problems, that no one wanted there; everyone
hated me. there was talk about me getting a medal, I think I have no
idea, the medal of freedom. they showed it to me, the dreams were
designed to stimulate and repair my brain, because I had lost the
ability to dream naturally. I was being experimented on and tortured at
the same time. I was eventually set up and beat up by local police, they
had been harassing me over this. An FBI Agent Roberts was in charge; the
local police knew the term "psychotronics" and quotes from my friends on
Facebook; they knew everything that was going on in my house,
everywhere, everything that was happening with the technology. The
sexual abuse, etc. I would be in my apartment yelling at them "it was
your responsibility to get my medical care" "you did this, you should
have taken me to a doctor" - they responded "if you don't remember, it
didn't happen!" - on the streets, I saw anger affect on the people
following me. A man agent follows me to the bus station, is there after
I get back from a trip; he walks by anger aggressive face, and zips his
lips closed; no one was going to talk or help.

I was eventually brutally beat by two involved cops, in front of my own
family; my family was also involved, the CIA went to them to find out
more, the CIA would use my family to pass messages, and everyone was
controlling me; this place called Laurel Hill Center, the city, local
hospital; everyone was participating, having secret meetings and
communication about this. The two cops lied about the incident, my
grandpa witnessed it and stuck by me, they beat me up and said I did it;
I was sent a message months before, these people hated me, were ticked
"you lied, so you're going to prison" - they were harassing, abusing,
and assaulting me, and I couldn't stop it. they hoped I would get caught
in a situation and get sent to prison, where no one would help me. I
fought the case for two years, till it finally ended. In jail, they
raped and hurt me over 300 times, sexually abusing me with microwaves,
forcing ejaculation, over and over; the deputies were linked up at Lane
County Jail, aiding in my abuse, and the cover up. Lane County Sheriff
Thomas Turner; I was being slaughtered in my cell with microwaves. Sound
and other abuse, 24/7 "eat each assault" they'd say "you won't be safe
anywhere, the sheriff association and police union will get you" - with
microwaves, they can simulate your genitals, put female images and 2D
screens in your mind, and make it feel like female energy in your body.
You can get up but the energy tracks you and they can tickle and do
other stuff to your body; they had the goal to incapacitate me and
prevent me from talking. The orgasms were designed to hurt me; each time
my muscles jammed up, caused brain and bodily injury; they knew that
orgasms had gotten screwed up from antidepressant abuse after they
started this; they prescribed improper amounts of antidepressants to
hurt me, knowing I wasn't mentally ill, and that this was real. now each
orgasm causes a severe dopamine response, similar to dystonia - muscles
jam, body drys out, pain and swelling all over, burning and stinging,
numbness, damage to organs, eyes, ears, and more. They then use this
microwave machine to try to dry my body out and hurt me, simulate
massage and other simulate that hurts me even worse. and they won't
stop, every few days they do it again. I had high CK in my blood, over
700 that can only be severe muscle or brain injury; the jail and OSH was
refusing medical care, pretending I was psychotic to hide it; I tried to
get an MRI which would have proven injury inconsistent with microwave
exposure, but they were all working together, hiding it, the jail
wouldn't do any kind of medical tests to prove or disprove injure, and
they were protecting the CIA and deputies the whole time. I finally saw
my own MD in April, Dr. Hardt, who diagnosed me with obvious post
concussion syndrome, brain stem damage, and messed up muscles. Each
orgasm causes concussion like damage, squeezing of my brain, blood flow
and blood pressure gets really high - I was being tortured badly. I took
a false plea deal to get out of jail, now I am trying to get medical
tests to back it up. I am living in an electromagnetic field, they are
still abusing me and my body, and won't stop. I need you help, this has
all been done before. The NSA has been sued for using electromagnetic
fields on people before..

Please, I need your help ; there is no protection in America from this -
NSA Whistleblower Russell Tice has exposed from of the system. He
specializes in satellite and other spy systems and he was I believe
responsible for some of the leaks on Remote Neural Monitoring,
Electronic Brain Link, and Remote Brain/Nerve Stimulation. I believe
that PRISM and these other spy programs are a joke; that the US
Government is monitoring every square inch of US soil, every person,
watching and spying on what they're doing in their homes, and is able to
monitor all their thoughts and brainwaves from afar. Everyone is being
monitored, and no one wants to expose what's happening - police have
this technology everywhere, and it's wide spread; the abuses are wide
spread. We need someone to investigate this, and pass a law to ban it;
the Space Preservation Act by Dennis Kucinich would have banned it in
2001 - from Space, Land, and Sea use, information weapons, psychotronic
weapons, energy weapons which injure or effect a persons mental health
from afar, or weapons which allow remote brain invasion or spying to
occur. These are "information weapons" - Russia has a ban, the US
refuses to do it. And because these devices are so clearly illegal; they
get used in secrecy only, because no one can know about their use -
otherwise the public might stand a chance to sue or shut these systems
down. There is an article on the Washington Post, called Mind Games, and
I think this system is behind the torture and invasion of many thousands
to millions of American citizens; it's very similar to the old MKULTRA

please take a look at my site and respond, I need help before I die.. I
have evidence, video and audio from OSH in 2008, police and government
agents can be polygraphed, and there are many people in town who if they
were talked to they might be forced to disclose what has been doing on.
they all worked with the CIA to do this, hide it. my injury is also
consistent with microwave exposure, and no other explanation exists.
please.... help. Massive Senate Investigation, lets make America better
for everyone, and restore power to the constitution. Government agents
only get power because the constitution grants them power, and if they
ignore the constitution for everyone else; then they don't deserve the
power they have, and we didn't authorize anything they did. It's like
they're operating in a whole other world like only the government
matters, and government crime doesn't matter. Government crime is the
worst, because it's more serious then any other - it hurts people,
people get assaulted and set up, and they have no protections.

my website is http://www.oregonstatehospital.net/

More links about these abuses at
http://www.oregonstatehospital.net/d/story.html#links - Look up
MindJustice.org, the Space Preservation Act, Research into Mind Control
by Dr. Carole Smith, Citizens Against Covert Surveillance and Abuse, and
the many other links about this. I consider myself a semi expert on this
at this point, but I am badly injured, beated, brain injured, and they
won't stop and let me heal. if I could heal, I could do good, and tell
you more about what they did, and what needs to happen to prevent and
improve the situation. please try to get a criminal probe into this by
someone impartial, and do a full Senate probe too - please I deserve to
live!! I did nothing wrong to get targeted like this.. I was a innocent
person, just needed help in life. I wasn't mentally ill, dangerous or a
criminal; I needed to go to school and get involved in life again, they
completely took over and ruined everything.

Here are my best links about this issue:

Mind Justice is a humans rights group with a lot of information about
this technology and this problem. They have books, citations, newspaper
articles, original research, interviews with doctors and neurologists,
info on the Russian laws banning this technology, etc.:

Dennis Kucinich's bill Space Preservation Act, 2001, 2002, 2005 would
have banned or prevented the use of this system. But the US government
went against the world, and the bill was derided and never came up for a
vote when proposed on 3 different occasions. It details the use of
ground, sea, and space based information, psychotronic, electromagnetic
and other weapons which can be used to torture, simulate psychosis, read
and steal thoughts, and more. Officially, the rest of the world was
scared in 2000 by the idea of "intellectual property theft" and
information terrorism, so many countries riled behind a ban. Russia is
the country with the greatest and most public work done in this area,
and there are a few others. The US refused to comply with any sort of
treaty, apparently because they saw value in maintaining and having
access to this technology. The bill is comprehensive:

Mind Games is an article in the Washington Post about victims and
targets of abuse like this: I believe a good amount of these people are
legit, the government is seriously targeting more and more people with
this every day. And the targets are forced to live with it, because no
one will do anything to stop it. The deal with the government, is that
everyone is already involved; the police and FBI don't act to enforce
the rules or law because they're already involved and using this
technology everyday themselves. They won't expose a critical part of the
system, or any crime they've committed by using it. I am the governments
scapegoat for trying to expose this.. at OSH I caught the state/US
DOJ/CIA using this on me, on camera with audio recordings in 2008,
during the US DOJ investigation. They neutralized me, attempted to
murder me in my hospital bed with this weapon. Since I have been
followed by undercover agents everywhere, they are using this weapon on
me, and everyone's involved. Local police, sheriffs, state police, FBI
Agent Roberts is the name of one guy in charge. I have very badly
damaged brain and body, and I sit in an electromagnetic field, an
unlawful prison, for going against these people. Please help..

Dr. Carole Smith, using light invasive technology to read brainwaves,
invade and control the mind: She's an expert on mind control, and
psychiatric malpractice, and has created a whitepaper on the need to
revise the diagnostic criteria for psychosis. Psychosis is a diagnosis
the government hides behind when they target or torture someone.
Basically, all the effects of psychosis can be simulated with a weapon,
and the diagnosis currently lacks clarity or insight into what these
weapons are or what psychosis really is, which means when abuse or a
government weapon is involved, it is too easy for a person to receive a
false diagnosis which makes it easy for the government to hide abuse, or
neglect or hurt a person:

The NSA article below in a PDF:

Is the NSA Conducting Electronic Warfare On Americans?

Jonas Holmes May 19, 2006 CHRONICLE ARTICLE

Russ Tice, former NSA intelligence officer and current Whistleblower,
was to testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee this week.
Apparently the testimony, Mr. Tice wanted to give, makes General
Hayden’s phone surveillance program look like very small potatoes. Mr.
Tice’s testimony is expected to reveal further illegal activity overseen
by General Michael Hayden which even loyal and patriotic NSA employees
view as unlawful. I think the people I talk to next week are going to be
shocked when I tell them what I have to tell them. IT’S PRETTY HARD TO
BELIEVE, Tice said. I hope that they’ll clean up the abuses and have
some oversight into these programs, which doesn’t exist right now.
According to Mr. Tice, what has been disclosed so far is only the tip of
the iceberg. What in the world could Russ Tice be talking about! To
figure it out let us take a look at Russ Tice’s work at the NSA.

According to the Washington Times and numerous other sources, Mr. Tice
worked on special access programs related to electronic intelligence
gathering while working for the NSA and DIA, where he took part in space
systems communications, non-communications signals, electronic warfare,
satellite control, telemetry, sensors, and special capability systems.
Special Access Programs or SAPs refer to Black Budgets or Black
Operations. Black means that they are covert and hidden from everyone
except the participants. Feasibly there would be no arena with a greater
potential for abuse and misuse than Special Access Programs. Even now
Congress and the Justice Department are being denied the ability to
investigate these programs because they don’t have clearance. To put it
in CNN’s Jack Cafferty’s words a top secret government agency, the NSA,
the largest of its kind in the world, is denying oversight or
investigation by the American people because investigators lack
clearance. To add a layer of irony to the Black Ops cake this travesty
is occurring in America, the supposed bastion of Freedom and Democracy,
which we are currently trying to export to Iraq.

It just gets scarier. The Black Ops that Mr. Tice was involved in
related to electronic intelligence gathering via space systems
communications, non-communications signals, electronic warfare,
satellite control, telemetry, sensors, and special capability systems.
For greater insight as to the impact of these programs readers should
review decades old FOIA authenticated programs such as MKULTRA,
BLUEBIRD, COINTELPRO and ARTICHOKE. Radar based Telemetry involves the
ability to see through walls without thermal imaging. Electronic Warfare
is even scarier if we take a look at the science. NSA Signals
Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation. NSA Signals Intelligence uses
EMF Brain Stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic
Brain Link (EBL). EMF Brain Stimulation has been in development since
the MKUltra program of the early 1950's, which included neurological
research into "radiation" (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research
and development. The resulting secret technology is categorized at the
National Security Archives as "Radiation Intelligence," defined as
"information from unintentionally emanated electromagnetic waves in the
environment, not including radioactivity or nuclear detonation." Signals
Intelligence implemented and kept this technology secret in the same
manner as other electronic warfare programs of the U.S. government. The
NSA monitors available information about this technology and withholds
scientific research from the public. There are also international
intelligence agency agreements to keep this technology secret.

The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyzes electrical
activity in humans from a distance. NSA computer-generated brain mapping
can continuously monitor all the electrical activity in the brain
continuously. The NSA records and decodes individual brain maps (of
hundreds of thousands of persons) for national security purposes. EMF
Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the military for Brain-to-
computer link. (In military fighter aircraft, for example.) For
electronic surveillance purposes electrical activity in the speech
center of the brain can be translated into the subject's verbal
thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brain's auditory cortex
thus allowing audio communication direct to the brain (bypassing the
ears). NSA operatives can use this to covertly debilitate subjects by
simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid
schizophrenia. Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural
Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a
subject's brain and show images from the subject's brain on a video
monitor. NSA operatives see what the surveillance subject's eyes are
seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to
the visual cortex. bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives
can use this to surreptitiously put images in a surveillance subject's
brain while they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain-programming purposes.
Individual citizens occasionally targeted for surveillance by
independently operating NSA personnel

NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of
individuals in the U.S. by using the NSA's domestic intelligence network
and cover businesses. The operations independently run by them can
sometimes go beyond the bounds of law. Long-term control and SABOTAGE OF
happen. NSA Domint has the ability to covertly assassinate U.S. citizens
or run covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be
diagnosed with ill mental health. National Security Agency Signals
Intelligence Electronic Brain Link Technology NSA SigInt can remotely
detect, identify and monitor a person's bioelectric fields. The NSA's
Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to remotely and non-
invasively monitor information in the human brain by digitally decoding
the evoked potentials in the 30-50 hz,.5 milliwatt electro-magnetic
emissions from the brain. Neuronal activity in the brain creates a
shifting electrical pattern that has a shifting magnetic flux. This
magnetic flux puts out a constant 30-50 hz, .5 milliwatt electromagnetic
(EMF) wave. Contained in the electromagnetic emission from the brain are
spikes and patterns called "evoked potentials." Every thought, reaction,
motor command, auditory event, and visual image in the brain has a
corresponding "evoked potential" or set of "evoked potentials." The EMF
emission from the brain can be decoded into the current thoughts, images
and sounds in the subject's brain. NSA SigInt uses EMF-transmitted Brain
Stimulation as a communications system to transmit information (as well
as nervous system messages) to intelligence agents and also to transmit
to the brains of covert operations subjects (on a non-perceptible
level). EMF Brain Stimulation works by sending a complexly coded and
pulsed electromagnetic signal to trigger evoked potentials (events) in
the brain, thereby forming sound and visual images in the brain's neural
circuits. EMF Brain Stimulation can also change a person's brain-states
and affect motor control. Two-way Electronic Brain-Link is done by
remotely monitoring neural audio-visual information while transmitting
sound to the auditory cortex (bypassing the ears) and transmitting faint
images to the visual cortex (bypassing the optic nerves and eyes, the
images appear as floating 2-D screens in the brain). Two-Way Electronic
Brain Link has become the ultimate communications system for CIA/NSA
personnel. Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM, remotely monitoring
bioelectric information in the human brain) has become the ultimate
surveillance system. It is used by a limited number of agents in the
U.S. Intelligence Community. RNM requires decoding the resonance
frequency of each specific brain area. That frequency is then modulated
in order to impose information in that specific brain area. The
frequency to which the various brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to
50 Hz. Only NSA Signals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency

An example of EMF Brain Stimulation: Brain Area

Bioelectric Resonance Frequency Information Induced Through Modulation
Motor Control Cortex 10 HZ Motor Impulse Co-ordination
Auditory Cortex 15 HZ Sound which bypasses the ears
Visual Cortex 25 HZ Images in the brain, bypassing the eyes
Somatosensory Cortex 09 HZ Phantom Touch Sense
Thought Center 20 HZ Imposed Subconscious Thoughts

This modulated information can be put into the brain at varying
intensities from subliminal to perceptible. Each person's brain has a
unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment frequencies. Sending
audio information to a person's brain at the frequency of another
person's auditory cortex would result in that audio information not
being perceived. Additionally, A 1994 congressional hearing reported
that nearly half a million Americans were subjected to some kind of cold
war era tests, often without being informed and without their consent.
In addition, experimentation law is well grounded in constitutional and
international law. It is an under-reported fact that two major reports
on human rights and torture in the U.S. recently listed illegal
radiation experiments. Many more facts are documented below. Therefore,
human research subject protections should be a high priority and are
just as significant as current issues of torture and illegal
wiretapping. IT IS TIME FOR AMERICA TO WAKE UP. It is time for America
to protect its Whistleblowers who are our last line of defense against
dictatorship and despotism. It is time for America to take
responsibility for oversight of its tax dollars and elect leaders who
will assume such responsibility now. Yes, the war on terrorism is
important. It is even more important and fearful if the terrorism is
from within and unknowingly funded by hard working American citizens.
There is no Special Access Program beyond the oversight of political
leaders elected by the people and for the people. If these political
leaders jeopardize national security then that shall be handled in a
court of law. But to tell America, to tell the American people, to tell
the political leaders elected by the American people that America does
not deserve to know what happening in the NSA’s dark, black rooms, with
billions of dollars, behind closed doors, when we know that privilege
has already been abused; that is the true definition of TERRORISM. That
is the true definition of Communism and a Police State, no oversight. So
fellow Americans, you may hem and haw in the face of truth but know that
one day you will realize that your country has been USURPED from the
very principles upon which it was founded.

Godspeed, Russ Tice, the Patriots are with you.

cia.txt from my website, http://www.OregonStateHospital.net/d/cia.pdf

Contact me: 503-967-5202

In order to view this file propperly, download the file locally
and open with a text editor like notepad, and enable word wrap
...or view cia.pdf

originally written for CIA, now using for submission to inspector
general's office.

hey, I am curious to know if you can point me in the right direction on
getting help with the use and abuse of psychotronics and synthetic
telepathy here in the USA. sure you have had people contact you before
about it, you yourself might not know it exists, people tend to say
people with knowledge of it are crazy. psychotronics usually refers to
technology that can read brainwaves, like mind reading tech. its really
advanced. they can see what I see, hear, feel, detect nerve impulses, I
can sort of control the machine, move sound around my body, it responds
to thought, they can also see what I think, imagine, explore memory, see
what memory comes up as associated with what I am thinking, or my
environment and what I am exposed to. they can also do full thought
control, control your emotions, broadcast thought, memory, feeling,
images and video, sound and automate most of this, tie it to my
responses. sound waves, energy waves, infared, microwaves and radiowaves
are used to manipulate me from afar, they can also do things to my body.
move tissue around, buzz, tickle, itch, tingle, simulate massage, heat,
burn, chill, expand tissue, push, pull, I can hear the sound 24.7, they
run dream simulations, talk to me, they repeat it over and over, its
computerized, loops and never ending. it changes and is dynamic but it
doesn't stop. it can mimic a lot of environmental sound, match energy,
pitch, emotion, and blend in, plus sound like other people, its fully
produced and rendered in real time, responds to what I do. dreams are
nearly video like, produced with story boards just like movies and
animation, as they have previously told me. they can encode the emotion
or feeling of a thought in messages, like they are saying 'you stop it
right now' but I feel the thought and feeling, they make it feel like
they are saying they will say you sent it to the wrong place, .. they
base the thought on my fears and side worries as I write this. it adapts
in real time. they are warming my body, asshole, sexually abusing me,
they have forced me to orgasm hundreds of times, they hurt me and
pretend I am psychotic. I have been classically gang stalked, I guess
that's just how this goes. local government, the police in Springfield
OR, the sheiffs, state police, and Oregon state hospital are involved.
this is where this all started, in 2007 and 2008 I was being spied on at
the hospital, staff were abusive and targeting me with abuse, there was
a scandal with staff misconduct, a women named Bonita tucker, who did
things inappropriately with me then lied about it, said I was a stalker,
in love with her, who knows what else. she then got caught in a romantic
relationship with another patient, David Anderson, and brought in drugs
and illicit contraband for him, which I witnessed and reported. she did
this with others as well, including patient John Eastman. she eventually
tried to help David and Gino Puglisi escape OSH, Gino was successful but
her boyfriend and future husband got left behind. osh let her resign
rather than fire her, she was not arrested, and they tried to protect
David and Bonita. I was made a target. they pretended I was psychotic,
physically harassed me, let David assault me, staff threatened me and
called me names, abused me with medication, made noises around me,
whatever. they started to spy on me and try to control me with this
technology. staff openly talked about how they had technology to track
me and focus on just me inside the building, they could see what I did
in the shower, my room, and knew what I was thinking and doing. they
used this to abuse and control me. sometime in 2008, staff were bullying
me around, hiding my grievances, kicking and banging my door, falsely
documenting my behavior as psychotic, they would do the hand gesture to
say 'fuck you', ran by my door and banged it, 'we're not afraid of you'.
I had an outside doctor say I wasn't psychotic but had ADHD, and that
the hospital couldn't medicate me without my consent. staff prescribed
large doses of medication anyway, when I refused they gave me a shot,
they were deliberately aggressive when they did it. I was ripped off the
phone, staff said 'we don't care about your rights, noone will help
you' etc. I called the superintendents office, and his receptionist
attempted to help me read the policy on forced medication, but a
supervising RN named Valerie interrupted her, and she returned to the
phone, 'sorry, we were told not to help you' and hung up. it was
deliberate and planned hospital wide abuse. staff whistled and made
noises at me, eventually they used this machine to make me hear a loud
whistle everywhere I went on the unit, no-one else could hear. in august
2008 they said, 'no-one has ever made it this far' and suddenly I felt
my body swell, I started to blow up, sound waves was forcing my body to
expand, and I went into shock. they said 'hold still or we will pop your
ear'. my eyes and throat began to pulsate, they were making me smile and
opening my eye lids, they tried to say it was an unstructured
settlement, they played games about getting my own group home, having a
social worker, tried to get me to call disability rights Oregon for
help, they said I could be special transferred out of osh, a private
transfer if it were an emergency, I was going to go with someone named
deann major, dro paimi advocate. but she knew it was there and was
letting me be abused, she participated, she knew it was happening all
along. i had a 170 pulse, I lost memory and had trouble talking or
acting after this, they kept screaming at me and abusing me
deliberately, they would rig it to repeat everything I said or thought,
I stopped sweating, and bowels got dry, muscles clamped down and I lost
movement, when I tried to poop, I couldn't go, they would say 'he just
likes to smell his own farts'. when I was around women, they tingled my
balls and said, 'why do your balls swell'. I didn't know for sure at
first, I could hardly feel anything, sound was very loud and was crazy
what they did. they started to use the soundwaves on my muscles and
body, drilling my inside, my insides buzzed and whipped around,
pulsated, eventually my muscles got tighter and more rigid, dryer, and I
could no longer move or flex .. I could hardly move or think, no one
would help, and I received no medical care. they'd say your either
delerius or suicidal, hid abused pretended I assaulted myself and lied
about everything in abuse reports. I was being set up to look psychotic
they said. I was forcefully medicated and abused with medication after
this, and it hurt me even more. they kept on using this on me for the
past four years, I got worse and worse. more stiff. in the last year
they started to become very abusive, the local police knew what I did in
my apartment, conversations I had, conversations my friends had, many
people were involved, including my doctors, counselors, sacred heart
hospital, the county and I was deliberately abused as I tried to get
help, everyone participated and did what these people wanted. in 2011 I
tried to get help, and the police assaulted me, beat me up, lied about
it, falsified their police report, they knew this was happeneing and
lied, I got a broken tooth and nose. in jail they started to sexually
assault me, sound moves and heats, tingles my genitals, they make it
feel like a female, and have all sorts of impressions and images. Jail
staff at lane county jail participated, whistled, denied me medical care
and made faces, cooperated with the project and spying and allowed me to
be abused in secret. its very long range, at least a few miles, fits in
a car or vehicle. people trail me in cars, they used to have a theme
song, they followed me everywhere, people would stop and make faces, zip
their lips closed, ... in jail they started to rape me, force orgasms,
it was jacking my body up. hurting me badly, I was getting stiffer and
stiffer, my entire body being damaged. I lost the ability to orgasm in
2010 because of medication and what they did to me with this,
antidepressants screwed it up and I became sensitive, now my muscles
clamp, dry out, I go into shock, I can't move and hurt all over, i lose
memory and feel pressure in my head. they do it to incapacitate me. they
are saying the word 'safer' now... 'weirder now'... they say you can
tell I don't have the ability to get help, please I just want to say,
why would you want to exploit and hurt me like this, I am more important
than this technology or these people... I didn't do anything to them or
to deserve this, they set me up, they have too much control over me,
this county and state is not safe but I can't get free, everyone is
involved, won't help, I am restricted on where I can go by my court
case. they keep raping me, my brain and body swells, face is swollen,
losing vision and hearing, lots of brusing and swelling, muscles pinch
and can't move so well, I need functional neurological rehab and
protection from this, they will keep hurting me till its stopped.

I believe it works using a device similar to a light or sound projector,
but with greater precision. it can project and focus beams of radio,
microwave, infared, and sound waves, capable of varying patterns,
shapes, frequencies at different and multiple points over a 3D space. it
can paint a picture and move sound and energy over a persons body like a
video projectors picture moves a screen. it can target muscles, slin, my
insides, move and manipilate tissue precisely. energy may focus from
multiple points to a single location where it builds or interacts with
other energy and beams, so it doesn't effect the spots before or after,
and appears inside your body or around an object or person.

My face is numb, I feel intense pain in my head, I feel weak and
burning and stinging everywhere, dizziness and sickness occurs, intense
dehydration and inability to hear or recover, I am hot, in shock, I have
symptoms of brain swelling and brain pressure, which can be fatal and
causes damage to the brain. Can't get help..

please let there be good people on the other side of this, I know people
in the CIA have this and use it, ... it can link people together and
send communication between multiple targets, allow people in the field
to know exactly what I am thinking and doing, you can find out anything
another.person knows and do things in secret to them, hurt or injure
them if it was desired.

in 2008 they said 'like you spy for the newspaper, deann major spies for
the CIA' . this doesn't really prove who is behind it. CIA could refer
to anyone who thinks of themselves as an intelligence gathering entity,
or it could mean that she tried to contact the CIA, or worked with the
CIA who was operating this - I tried to contact reporters about the
situation at osh, and she was portrayed as doing something similar with
the CIA. at the time the USDOJ was investigating osh, perhaps resources
related to this were being used as a result of their investigation. the
usdoj is often associated with the use of this technology on people. the
state police might have enough resources to do this, and I know they are
involved, but I wouldn't be able to tell from this. in jail they called
themselves the army and air force. the air force of course invented
voice 2 skull technology in the 1990s. I bet this is being used across
America to spy on people in secret or as part of a national intelligence
program. as far as I can tell, its ubiquitous.

I can't talk so well right now, head feels tight, burns, I feel really
stiff... pressure in my body makes it hard to think or talk, or act on
it, there's so much more I remember, this is the best I can do. they are
buzzing my anus and balls and bottom right now... I wish it would stop.
please inform your top officials. I am being set up and can't defend
myself in the legal system without someone helping me, I can't get help
without people acknowledging what happened, or acknowledging me being
repeatedly injured.

I hope you believe human life is more important than energy weapons and
human exploitation. this is automated mindless torture, rape, and
mutilation of innocent American citizens. this shouldn't be allowed. we
should finally write laws to address these issues and inform the public
of this technology and its' existence.

The FBI has received many emails, letters, and phone calls about this,
the portland office read over and every agent seemed to know me and what
I said and was going through when I called. I believe they participated.
When I was arrested in 2011, and assaulted by officer Grice and another
guy, grice made mention of FBI agent Roberts getting upset with him for
doing it when I was getting treatment at the hospital. I believe the
communication between Roberts and Grice occurred over synthetic
telepathy, Grice was being told what I thought and was doing, and agent
Roberts was someone watching me or involved on the other side.

Real commentary from these people
'why would someone deliberately rape'
'dopamine surge'
'injectable scorn'
'shock therapy'
'masturbation support'
'why would someone deliberately injure you'
'faggot, noone cares now. Lol'

most credible sources of public information

More details about my case available on my website:

From my website, a news paper article from the Chronicle about NSA
Whistleblower Russell Tice, his revelations, and the disclosure of NSA
Remote Neural Monitoring, Electronic Brain Link, and Remote Brain/Nerve
Stimulation. I am convinced police, FBI, NSA, CIA, and state and federal
agencies have access to this technology all over - they are able to
monitor every person, on every square inch of the planets surface, if
they so desired. But this is mostly being used all over America, and I
don't think anyone has any insight into it, or what it's being used for.
They are watching everyone, and they are able to get away with secret
attacks because no one's doing anything to stop them; the public is
largely ignorant on the issue. This is bigger than prism and Internet
and phone monitoring programs, but no one is paying any attention.

I am not the first or only victim of an attack like this. The CIA/and US
military-industrial complex has been hard at work on developing remote
control and neuro weapons for over 50 years, and so have foreign
governments. MindJustice.org, run by Cheryl Welsh (a victim of and
recognized expert on mind control), is a website and human rights group
that advocates for regulation and provides information about
electromagnetic mind control weapons. They have a collection of
editorials, documents, articles, books, and newspaper clippings about
the problem. The link is:

Washington Post article Mind Games - US government experiments on,
tortures, and targets many thousands of Americans with their
electromagnetic and mind control weapons:
Washington Post Mind Control discussion, the Mind Games Q&A follow up:

International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies - This
organizations goal is to obtain direct evidence and expose real use of
these technologies and techniques. On their site you will find a nice
collection of links, videos, and other resources to help fill you in.

Intrusive Brain Reading Surveillance Technology: Hacking the Mind by Dr.
Carole Smith:

Wikipedia - Project MKULTRA: the CIA runs a massive mind control
experiment across America in the 50s, 60s, and 70s; they helped make LSD
popular and paid many hospitals and schools to use and experiment with
it, often on patients and students and teachers themselves. The head of
the National Institutes of Health was involved, while the head of the
American Psychiatric Association headed mind wiping and human
reprogramming experimentation for the CIA. This was a government wide
operation with many thousands of doctors, nurses, and government agents
working nation wide to run and hide these abuses. They also performed
mind control research, drugged unwitting citizens routinely all over
America, and worked to develop drugs and neuro devices for human control
and sabotage.

Articles and information on MKULTRA, BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE, and other
resources. CIA documents, Washington Post article, etc.

Wikipedia Brain Computer Interface - the basis for synthetic telepathy
is directed energy manipulation and the remote non invasive brain
computer interface:

"Synthetic telepathy - the article Wikipedia didn't want you to read." A
nice history on synthetic telepathy once existed on Wikipedia, until
sometime in 2010 when an edit war broke out - which likely involved
government and agent sabotage of the page. This forced Wikipedia to
remove the page, leaving a forward to the Brain Computer Interface
article, which happens to be void of most of this information.
Voice to skull - the Army's secret weapon. The Army removes an odd page
from their website about their neuro weapon voice to skull, which leaves
a lot of people wondering if it was government censorship, and cover up
of the weapons they had disclosed.

Space Preservation Act - real enough to ban. Congressman Dennis Kucinich
wrote multiple bills to ban psychotronic weapons, information weapons,
synthetic telepathy, energy weapons, and other exotic space systems
weapons. I originally thought that ground based use wasn't covered, but
it contains a provision for ground, sea, and space based systems.
Anything that targets humans and transmits through the atmosphere or is
banned from space use would have also been banned from ground and sea
use. It's a shame this bill never passed...

Space Preservation Act - direct link to bill. This bill would have
banned information weapons, psychotronic weapons, and energy weapons
which injure humans physically, or effect them mentally from afar.

International Committee on Offensive Microwave Weapons:

A lawsuit and injunction alleging synthetic telepathy abuse - read
through the lawsuit, it has good references to real information and
situations, real government programs. The author does a poor job at
trying to word her lawsuit at times, but the programs and evidence are
real enough.

Synthetic telepathy “Artificial Telepathy” NSA (USA) FOI (Sweden):

Mind Control Report by Dr. Carole Smith:

Hacking the mind:

Wikipedia article on electromagnetic weapons:
Wikipedia article on non lethal weapons:
See through walls using sound waves:
Use cell phones and terahertz radio waves to see through walls,
apparently its becoming mainstream:
IBM predicts 5 in 5 2012, Remote computer control and brain linking, and
more - moving synthetic telepathy into the hands of the consumer:
Computer mediated synthetic telepathy, conceptual design:
On the need to revise the diagnostic criteria for psychosis:
Several gang stalking and gang stalking behavioral articles:
2019-04-20 18:44:05 UTC
My name is Joanne. My life is at risk. And possibly my family. I have been a victim of Remote Neural Monitoring (PLS GOOGLE FOR MORE INFO). And it just keeps getting worse - the harassment, the torture, the abuse, the threats, etc. I may not have enough physical evidence other than myself and my journals. I really have to stop this. This mind control is out of control. they are even harassing my family and threatening them in my mind. I reported it more than once to the police and i was sent to Emergency Room to the nearest hospital but also transferred at a mental institution. I have to be careful of who I report it to, because it won't be easy to believe it, BUT IT IS REAL. There's a lot of victims out there, not just me. I know I this is big, that I have a big fight, that I have my human rights, that I want to end this and stop this, fight for my justice and freedom. I need to live normally and peacefully again, I still need to live and not to be killed. I am confident about this-- I SHOULDN'T BE TREATED THIS WAY. I AM NOT A BAD PERSON, NEVER HAD ANY INTENTIONS TO HURT ANYONE, I AM NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG OR BAD TO HURT Or CAUSE ANYTHING HARMFUL OR INCONVENIENCE TO ANYBODY. I need help about getting detected or scanned to prove that i am a victim of NRM. They have the technologies to have a living body or object to be scanned for microwaves and frequencies and other components, elements, particles or what so ever to prove that a person is a Target Individual (this is what they call their victim, google it for more information). I need help about reaching or contacting someone-- an attorney, government person or services,another victim, whatever or whoever. Pls help me. My contact info is: EMAIL: ***@gmail.com

I have a fight:
Freedom of Information Act
Fourth Amendment
Civil Rights
Please help me save my life.

Some helpful Infos, Resources, and links:

