Illegally Extended Option to Refuse Discovery and Cooperation with ID Fraud Reporting Merit Illustrating Who and What Put America Out of Business
(too old to reply)
2011-10-16 16:50:09 UTC
Occupy Wall Street has become a world wide movement that
internationally agrees with me, that greed and corruption, and a
favored top 1%, have created not only a widening gap between rich and
poor, but our world wide economic nightmare.

Where a Plaintiff in the best demonstration of this I know of, has
filed an Administrative Review, the first appeal the Plaintiff was
made able to file, in a procedure that continues to be conducted like
the also justified sexual harassment complaint directed at Demi Moore
in Disclosure.

Who act like the former Governor, as an Illinois attorney, who saw
nothing wrong with selling Senate Seats to get what he wanted.

In a very good illustration of what has happened to what the public in
Illinois who thinks attorneys are regulated and would be disbarred by
other attorneys if they did things like that.

By persons proud of the relationships that create the ability to use
ID fraud and theft to force large cash payments to persons whose
rights in the matter under the law are a criminal court.

Where the use of the victim's ID's like this is a growing practice.

By persons also enjoying high incomes at our expense, literally, paid
with our taxes.

Michael Prousis and Peter Zaper of the State of Illinois continuing to
batter and terrorize the Plaintiff personally and who in the courts in
hearings, continue to be made able to verbally make up any story they

With no substantiation required on the part of Zaper and Prousis,
whose relationships also remove the rights of the Plaintiff to refute
that either.

In a practice that once the judges terminate the hearing for their
falsified grandstanding relationship's fraud verbally submitted, the
Plaintiff's are being piled on with a list of these alleged "results
at trial".

The way State of Illinois responds to discovery demands by producing
only documents that claim the subject matter was ruled on in another

So far from Oct/Nov of 2010 through October of 2011.

As persons who triplicated the matter while at the Board of Review who
the public is required to handle personally and out of our pockets.

And have a prior history at IDES under the same regional office, that
did this with 2 prior filings in Circuit Courts to harass the
plaintiff who had gone back to work, conducted exactly the same way.

Including the claims the victims were "mentally ill", replacing
dismissed matters with amended ones over time frames of up to a year,
and conducting up to 3 at the same time with 2 in 2 different courts
used in the other one as 'evidence', as well as an out of court
barrage conducted like a coon hunt used to be.

Which attempting to use third persons to seize and commit their victim
repeatedly escalated the issue into in terms of criminal intent.

Including the publicity and theatrics, and illegal judicial creation
of the ability to refuse to produce mandatory discovery in one case,
for 3 years.

All requiring $20,000 liquidating near retirement age workers IRA's
and home equity, for filings demanded and stated to be filed for that
purpose to "make life fair for clerical and noncollege".

Due to the massively repetitive committal attempts and massively
repetitive bifurcating hell they conduct in the Circuit Courts.
Including the "reasonable demand" to remove all public services for
taking up our time in a 2 year injunction procedure.

All of which currently is being "turned around on" the same victim by
the same sources living it up as public employees who even have full
pensions the majority of Americans cannot imagine.

And are never satisfied with what they have and take for granted the
rest of us are no longer able to contend with any more than we can in
business as conducted in America.

As has also created the now worldwide Occupy Wall Street.

As it has the need to reform the regulation of financial and credit
industries due to the same kind of people "getting theirs" with fraud
in writing mortgages and extending credit card credit limits to people
who cannot possibly pay.

Along with the Savings and Loan debacle and the Enron/Arthur Anderson
debacle that created Sarbanes Oxley.

Both also due to persons who mislead the public with fraud into these
kinds of damage infliction to "get theirs" at our expense.

This time around also barraging the victim with large numbers of
additional procedures, harassing phone calls, misleading settlements
immediately put back into the court claiming and producing only the
same claim.

That the matter was decided in another procedure.

Which keeps Zaper and Prousis in this endless loop refusing to produce
the same material or cooperate with the rights of the public in ID
Fraud reporting from Oct/Nov of 2010 currently through Oct/Nov of

In a matter triplicated "to win" and harass the victims into
foreclosures and destitution.

Which by the time Zaper and Prousis can be forced into providing the
mandantory materials to the Plaintiff is going to happen.

As the intended demonstration of the "rights" the public has in the

As persons who continue to willfully conduct and demonstrate that they
can conduct, procedures any IDES employee is explicitly forbidden to
conduct, also due to violation of the time limits after alleged
misconduct is known to the former employer even afterwards.

Which currently has no time limits due to policy decisions at IDES.

Which was not delegated the right to change the law by policy.

And has been made able to act like Demi Moore in Disclosure doing so,
to this date refusing to at any time, produce:

Which are the first, subject matter claimed to be the case in every
procedure conducted on the subject matter, which IDES has terrorized
producing since the local office.

Made able to refuse to cooperate with the rights of claimants in the
matter also created by the Statute of Frauds.

Turned into a speed dating on the phone by an adjudicator who at no
advance notice, decides to hold hearings on matters from years earlier
the Plaintiff cannot possibly have any information is the case, with a
legal procedure turned into a pop quiz.

IDES having in the person of the same Ken Santiago who created all of
these, that IDES "no longer interferes with".

And continue to create and conduct triplicate harassment of returned
to work taxpayers until their victims are out of work again as a

Other than his cronies of course, making out illegaly to the point of
Tea Pot Dome, perhaps appropriately directed at the Tea Party.

And persons who also no longer employ the former UI program manager
Carolyn Vanek who did enforce compliance with the law on the
operations of the local offices who longer have to comply with the UI
Statutes and Administrative Codes.

In a practice that is doing as much damage as Licenses for Bribes did.

And where Zaper and Prousis got the right to falsify statements to a
judge, terrorize Plaintiffs in an Administrative Review personally and
financially in particular, refuse to cooperate with ID fraud
reporting, and turn it into this triplicated now $12,000 criminal
fraud demand for $12,000 to be given to their pals upon request to
demonstrate having the relationships that create the ability to do so,
is beyond me.

But a typical illustration of what world wide yesterday created large
demonstrations in 1500 cities world wide.

As Arab Spring has become a movement we have joined. World wide.

As Americans who are no longer able to pay $20,000 in legal fees
required to force people our taxes pay to provide the legislated
required rights, EEO, and protections to.

In a destroyed economy and country focused on nothing but greed and
corruption, in business and by our judicial.

With a government the demand for greed and corruption favoring the to
1% continues to present cooperation with this instead as how to get
places making the right friends with fraud and public corruption.

That this practice has created a continuing interference with the
hiring in the private sector protected by Ken Santiago at IDES in

Due to the illegal exposure of that information with the IDES alleged
fraud reporting programs of New Hire Reporting and Quarterly Wage
Reporting, not being used for the purpose they were created for
either, and legally consists of cybercrime use of the IDES/IDOR
database and computer system.

Where our elected legislative branch at the state and federal levels
is also besieged and grid locked with this same great divide created
by greed and corruption willing to put the US Government into default
to China to get what they want at our expense, as persons unaffected
any default they create.

As the the public employees conducting this one create and are also
completely immune from the damages they create or any accountability.

To the point of the same public this practice is terrorizing the
incomes of, are paying the taxes that pay their hi salaries, we
instead would be much better off replacing with teachers and police.
2011-10-16 21:35:38 UTC
lastone AKA Contemporarylegal:
usenet is for discussion, not just a
place to SPAM your insane drivel
over and over again.

Please buy a verb more often,
and tell the truth about your brain disorder.
