Martha Stewart Went To Jail For Much Less
2016-01-21 21:04:22 UTC
Hillary finally hands over her serverafter it's been
professionally wiped clean
After years of holding herself above the law, telling lie after
lie, and months of flat-out obstruction, HIllary Clinton has
finally produced to the FBI her server and three thumb drives.
Apparently, the server has been professionally wiped clean of
any useable information, and the thumb drives contain only what
she selectively culled. Myriad criminal offenses apply to this
Anyone with knowledge of government workings has known from
inception that Hillarys communications necessarily would
contain classified and national security related information.
Thanks to the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community,
it is now beyond dispute that she had ultra-Top Secret
information and more that should never have left the State
Equal to Ms. Clintons outrageous misconduct is that of the
entire federal law enforcement community. It has long chosen to
be deliberately blind to these flagrant infractions of laws
designed to protect national securitylaws for which other
people, even reporters, have endured atrocious investigations,
prosecutions, and some served years in prison for comparatively
minor infractions.
During the same years that Hillary was communicating about
national security and world affairs off the grid, the Department
of Justice has had no qualms threatening news reporters and
prosecuting whistleblowers under the Espionage Act.
Hillary Clintons Continued Obstruction
Its high time for a special prosecutor to be named to conduct a
full investigation into Ms. Clintons likely commission of
multiple felonies, including a conspiracy with Huma Abedin,
Cheryl Mills, and possibly others, to violate multiple laws.
While the FBI and Department of Justice have willfully ignored
Hillary Clintons outrageous conduct, they didnt hesitate a
minute to investigate and prosecute former CIA Director and
national hero, General Petraeus. He was just tarred, feathered
and ridden out of the CIA on a rail for sharing some information
(his own notebook) with his biographer who was both in the
military and had a top secret clearance. Yet, Petraeus did not
have a secret server set up to house his classified and top
secret information or digital satellite imagery; he destroyed
nothing; and, there was no leak. But thats not all.
During the same years that Hillary was communicating about
national security and world affairs off the grid, the Department
of Justice has had no qualms threatening news reporters and
prosecuting whistleblowers under the Espionage Act. To hell with
the First Amendment and Supreme Court precedent, even the New
York Times reported that this administration prosecuted more
reporters and whistleblowers for espionage than all prior
administrations put together.
Remember Fox news reporter James Rosen? The Holder Justice
Department not only seized his emails immediately and without
his knowledge, they suggested he was a criminal co-conspirator
in a leak caseunder the Espionage Actwhich carries a ten-year
term of imprisonment.
And they quickly indicted former House Speaker Dennis Hastert
and Senator Menendez on extremely stretched or tortured views of
vague criminal statutes and factual allegations of conduct that
may well not be criminal. Senator Menendez cant vacation with
his best friend but Hillary Clinton and her Foundation can
accept millions of dollars from foreign governments seeking to
curry her favor.
Yet theres been no criminal investigation of Ms. Clinton and
her cabal? They couldnt seize her server months ago while it
contained all the emails? They couldnt put a stop to it from
the beginning?
Oh right, I forgot. As the Wall Street Journal reported, Ms.
Clinton had declined to allow an Inspector General at the State
Department during her entire tenureso there was no internal
oversight. And oh yes, her name is Clinton, and she has long
deemed herself above the law. The rules only apply to everyone
But wait, theres still more. The current Assistant Attorney
General for the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice,
Leslie Caldwell, and her Chief of the Corporate Fraud Section,
Andrew Weissmann, destroyed Arthur Andersen and its 85,000 jobs
on unfounded charges of obstruction of justice for destroying
documents the Supreme Court said it had no legal obligation to
keep. The laws governing Ms. Clintons obligations are clear.
Nonetheless, they havent even convened a grand jury to look
into Ms. Clintons longstanding assertion that she wiped her
server cleanof documents she was legally required to keep?
On top of that, there can be little doubt that Eric Holder and
other high-ranking FBI and DOJ officials themselves wrote Ms.
Clinton at Clintonemail.comnot to mention countless
communications with the President and All His MusesCounter-
terrrorism advisor Lisa Monaco, National Security Advisor Susan
Rice, and then White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler (not to
mention Valerie Jarrett)about Benghazi and all other top secret
and classified issues. The DOJ hasnt subpoenaed the emails from
any of the recipientsor the internet service providers? Or
looked for them on the backup government servers of the accounts
of all the recipients? And the State Department still today is
making statements defending her?
Not only did Ms. Clinton deliberately demonstrate disdain for
the Federal Records Act and nullify the protections of the
Freedom of Information Act, she violated the Espionage Act by
having information relating to the national defense on her
server at all. And her deliberate disregard for national
security made the job of all hackers that much easier.
As Andy McCarthy explained it in the National Review:
In fact, the espionage actwhich regulates the handling of
intelligence by government officials does not refer to
classified information; it refers to information relating to the
national defense. Moreover, it does not prohibit solely the
transmission of such information; it criminalizes the
communication, delivery, or transmission of that information;
causing communication, delivery, or transmission of that
information; permitting the removal of that information from its
proper place of custody through gross negligence; permitting
that information to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed
through gross negligence; or, failing to make a prompt report to
superiors in the government when an official knows that the
information has been removed from its proper place of custody,
communicated to someone not authorized to have it, lost, stolen,
abstracted, or destroyed. See also Title 18 United States Code
Section 2071 (prohibiting destruction of records).
The Inspector General for the Intelligence Community has advised
Congress that even in the few emails he has reviewed, there was
top secret informationin the form of digital satellite imagery
and signals intelligence. Regardless of how it was marked, and
no doubt Clinton will blame others, even a neophyte would have
known that such information was of the highest secrecy Not
surprisingly, the first seeds of Clintons deflecting the blame
to underlings was sown by her protectors in the State Department
itself last night.
Aside from that, her knowledge and intent do not matter under
some of these statutes and are indefensible under others.
General Petraeus certainly had no criminal intent, and neither
did any of the reporters.
Ms. Clinton, however, established her entire system to avoid the
law and in violation of the Espionage Actas she and her co-
conspirators removed all records from the State Department from
its inception. Compounding her crimes, she knowingly and
willfully destroyed whatever she wanted to destroydespite or
more likely because ofthe incriminating information it
contained and in the face of the Benghazi investigation.
Theres still more. The countless false statements are crimes
under 18 United States Code Section 1001both by Ms. Clinton to
Congress (no classified information) and in writing by Cheryl
Mills to the State Department and just filed with Judge
Sullivanin which she states: On matters pertaining to the
conduct of government business, it was her practice to use the
officials government email accounts. We already know that Ms.
Clinton used her personal server exclusively.
Anyone else would have been arrested by now. Until there is a
massive change in this country, justice is a game.
Title 18 United States Code Section 1001 makes it a crime for
anyone to knowingly and willfully falsify, conceal, or cover
up a material fact, or make any materially false, fictitious,
or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation, etc. Countless
people are convicted felons under this statutesome for offenses
that would never occur to anyone even to be a crime. And these
are just a few of the possible statutes that it would appear to
any federal prosecutor that she and her corrupt cabal violated.
As Lt. Col. Ralph Peters had the guts to say last night on
FoxNews, Hillary Clinton is a criminal. Military heroes who
have risked their lives for this country have gone to prison for
The Department of Justices selective prosecutions have been
well-document. Its favoritism and targeting practices must end.
As discussed on NewsMaxTVs Hardline last night, its time for a
national outcry for the appointment of a special prosecutor to
investigate and indict Ms. Clintons flagrant violations of some
of our most important laws. Anyone else would have been arrested
by now.
Until there is a massive change in this country, justice is a
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story misstated the rank
of Ralph Peters. He is a lieutenant colonel, not a general.
professionally wiped clean
After years of holding herself above the law, telling lie after
lie, and months of flat-out obstruction, HIllary Clinton has
finally produced to the FBI her server and three thumb drives.
Apparently, the server has been professionally wiped clean of
any useable information, and the thumb drives contain only what
she selectively culled. Myriad criminal offenses apply to this
Anyone with knowledge of government workings has known from
inception that Hillarys communications necessarily would
contain classified and national security related information.
Thanks to the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community,
it is now beyond dispute that she had ultra-Top Secret
information and more that should never have left the State
Equal to Ms. Clintons outrageous misconduct is that of the
entire federal law enforcement community. It has long chosen to
be deliberately blind to these flagrant infractions of laws
designed to protect national securitylaws for which other
people, even reporters, have endured atrocious investigations,
prosecutions, and some served years in prison for comparatively
minor infractions.
During the same years that Hillary was communicating about
national security and world affairs off the grid, the Department
of Justice has had no qualms threatening news reporters and
prosecuting whistleblowers under the Espionage Act.
Hillary Clintons Continued Obstruction
Its high time for a special prosecutor to be named to conduct a
full investigation into Ms. Clintons likely commission of
multiple felonies, including a conspiracy with Huma Abedin,
Cheryl Mills, and possibly others, to violate multiple laws.
While the FBI and Department of Justice have willfully ignored
Hillary Clintons outrageous conduct, they didnt hesitate a
minute to investigate and prosecute former CIA Director and
national hero, General Petraeus. He was just tarred, feathered
and ridden out of the CIA on a rail for sharing some information
(his own notebook) with his biographer who was both in the
military and had a top secret clearance. Yet, Petraeus did not
have a secret server set up to house his classified and top
secret information or digital satellite imagery; he destroyed
nothing; and, there was no leak. But thats not all.
During the same years that Hillary was communicating about
national security and world affairs off the grid, the Department
of Justice has had no qualms threatening news reporters and
prosecuting whistleblowers under the Espionage Act. To hell with
the First Amendment and Supreme Court precedent, even the New
York Times reported that this administration prosecuted more
reporters and whistleblowers for espionage than all prior
administrations put together.
Remember Fox news reporter James Rosen? The Holder Justice
Department not only seized his emails immediately and without
his knowledge, they suggested he was a criminal co-conspirator
in a leak caseunder the Espionage Actwhich carries a ten-year
term of imprisonment.
And they quickly indicted former House Speaker Dennis Hastert
and Senator Menendez on extremely stretched or tortured views of
vague criminal statutes and factual allegations of conduct that
may well not be criminal. Senator Menendez cant vacation with
his best friend but Hillary Clinton and her Foundation can
accept millions of dollars from foreign governments seeking to
curry her favor.
Yet theres been no criminal investigation of Ms. Clinton and
her cabal? They couldnt seize her server months ago while it
contained all the emails? They couldnt put a stop to it from
the beginning?
Oh right, I forgot. As the Wall Street Journal reported, Ms.
Clinton had declined to allow an Inspector General at the State
Department during her entire tenureso there was no internal
oversight. And oh yes, her name is Clinton, and she has long
deemed herself above the law. The rules only apply to everyone
But wait, theres still more. The current Assistant Attorney
General for the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice,
Leslie Caldwell, and her Chief of the Corporate Fraud Section,
Andrew Weissmann, destroyed Arthur Andersen and its 85,000 jobs
on unfounded charges of obstruction of justice for destroying
documents the Supreme Court said it had no legal obligation to
keep. The laws governing Ms. Clintons obligations are clear.
Nonetheless, they havent even convened a grand jury to look
into Ms. Clintons longstanding assertion that she wiped her
server cleanof documents she was legally required to keep?
On top of that, there can be little doubt that Eric Holder and
other high-ranking FBI and DOJ officials themselves wrote Ms.
Clinton at Clintonemail.comnot to mention countless
communications with the President and All His MusesCounter-
terrrorism advisor Lisa Monaco, National Security Advisor Susan
Rice, and then White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler (not to
mention Valerie Jarrett)about Benghazi and all other top secret
and classified issues. The DOJ hasnt subpoenaed the emails from
any of the recipientsor the internet service providers? Or
looked for them on the backup government servers of the accounts
of all the recipients? And the State Department still today is
making statements defending her?
Not only did Ms. Clinton deliberately demonstrate disdain for
the Federal Records Act and nullify the protections of the
Freedom of Information Act, she violated the Espionage Act by
having information relating to the national defense on her
server at all. And her deliberate disregard for national
security made the job of all hackers that much easier.
As Andy McCarthy explained it in the National Review:
In fact, the espionage actwhich regulates the handling of
intelligence by government officials does not refer to
classified information; it refers to information relating to the
national defense. Moreover, it does not prohibit solely the
transmission of such information; it criminalizes the
communication, delivery, or transmission of that information;
causing communication, delivery, or transmission of that
information; permitting the removal of that information from its
proper place of custody through gross negligence; permitting
that information to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed
through gross negligence; or, failing to make a prompt report to
superiors in the government when an official knows that the
information has been removed from its proper place of custody,
communicated to someone not authorized to have it, lost, stolen,
abstracted, or destroyed. See also Title 18 United States Code
Section 2071 (prohibiting destruction of records).
The Inspector General for the Intelligence Community has advised
Congress that even in the few emails he has reviewed, there was
top secret informationin the form of digital satellite imagery
and signals intelligence. Regardless of how it was marked, and
no doubt Clinton will blame others, even a neophyte would have
known that such information was of the highest secrecy Not
surprisingly, the first seeds of Clintons deflecting the blame
to underlings was sown by her protectors in the State Department
itself last night.
Aside from that, her knowledge and intent do not matter under
some of these statutes and are indefensible under others.
General Petraeus certainly had no criminal intent, and neither
did any of the reporters.
Ms. Clinton, however, established her entire system to avoid the
law and in violation of the Espionage Actas she and her co-
conspirators removed all records from the State Department from
its inception. Compounding her crimes, she knowingly and
willfully destroyed whatever she wanted to destroydespite or
more likely because ofthe incriminating information it
contained and in the face of the Benghazi investigation.
Theres still more. The countless false statements are crimes
under 18 United States Code Section 1001both by Ms. Clinton to
Congress (no classified information) and in writing by Cheryl
Mills to the State Department and just filed with Judge
Sullivanin which she states: On matters pertaining to the
conduct of government business, it was her practice to use the
officials government email accounts. We already know that Ms.
Clinton used her personal server exclusively.
Anyone else would have been arrested by now. Until there is a
massive change in this country, justice is a game.
Title 18 United States Code Section 1001 makes it a crime for
anyone to knowingly and willfully falsify, conceal, or cover
up a material fact, or make any materially false, fictitious,
or fraudulent statement or misrepresentation, etc. Countless
people are convicted felons under this statutesome for offenses
that would never occur to anyone even to be a crime. And these
are just a few of the possible statutes that it would appear to
any federal prosecutor that she and her corrupt cabal violated.
As Lt. Col. Ralph Peters had the guts to say last night on
FoxNews, Hillary Clinton is a criminal. Military heroes who
have risked their lives for this country have gone to prison for
The Department of Justices selective prosecutions have been
well-document. Its favoritism and targeting practices must end.
As discussed on NewsMaxTVs Hardline last night, its time for a
national outcry for the appointment of a special prosecutor to
investigate and indict Ms. Clintons flagrant violations of some
of our most important laws. Anyone else would have been arrested
by now.
Until there is a massive change in this country, justice is a
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story misstated the rank
of Ralph Peters. He is a lieutenant colonel, not a general.