four questions for all honest people everywhere
(too old to reply)
2009-12-16 18:19:18 UTC
Which of the following claims is the most outrageous?
Which of the following claims is it illegal to make in Germany?
Which of the following claims would Elie Wiesel like to be made a
criminal offence in the United States?

That the then President of the United States bought cocaine from a
white homosexual in the back of his Merc then engaged in oral sex with

That a former President of the United States ordered the atrocities of

That a former President of the United States is both a serial rapist
and the mastermind of the Oklamoha City atrocity.

That the atrocities of the Nazi régime during the Second World War
have been greatly exaggerated for political/racial reasons.

2009-12-16 19:23:58 UTC
HOW TO BECOME A SHITSKIN MOSLEM - this is how: fuck goats, fuck your
mother (nikomak), molest children, wear a beekeepers outfit all the
time, never shower or bath, beat your wives, learn terrorist activities
at a maddrassa, wipe your ass with stones, sell the donkey you fucked to
a nearby village, marry a nine year-old , send your child off to an
indoctrination camp, practice thighing with little kids, Hijack a plane,
Hijack a ship, ............ Practice all those and you too could
become a prophet !!

이슬람의 성기를 빨아 당나귀 -
الإسلام يأخذ الحمار القضيب في الشرج


Elif air ab tizak mohammad !!!!

***@muslimmatch.com or ***@muslimmatch.com or
Thomas Santa - ***@med.usyd.edu.au

Wassim Noujeim = Faris Jawad

Jordan Data Communication Ltd.

‹(•¿•)› ‹(•¿•)›moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah
were child molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks
이슬람의 성기를 빨아 당나귀 -
الإسلام يأخذ الحمار القضيب في الشرج ‹(•¿•)› ‹(•¿•)›

Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!


***@muslimmatch.com or ***@muslimmatch.com or
Thomas Santa - ***@med.usyd.edu.au

** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **

moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah were child
molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks

,/_ /
/ /
/'_'/' '/'__'7,
/'/ / / /" /_\
('( ' /' ')
\ /
'\' _.7'
\ (
\ \

Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!

***@muslimmatch.com or ***@muslimmatch.com or

** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **

moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah were child
molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks

,/_ /
/ /
/'_'/' '/'__'7,
/'/ / / /" /_\
('( ' /' ')
\ /
'\' _.7'
\ (
\ \

Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!

***@muslimmatch.com or ***@muslimmatch.com or

** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **

moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah were child
molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks

,/_ /
/ /
/'_'/' '/'__'7,
/'/ / / /" /_\
('( ' /' ')
\ /
'\' _.7'
\ (
\ \

Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!

***@muslimmatch.com or ***@muslimmatch.com or

** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **

moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah were child
molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks

,/_ /
/ /
/'_'/' '/'__'7,
/'/ / / /" /_\
('( ' /' ')
\ /
'\' _.7'
\ (
\ \

Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!

***@muslimmatch.com or ***@muslimmatch.com or

** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **

moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah were child
molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks

,/_ /
/ /
/'_'/' '/'__'7,
/'/ / / /" /_\
('( ' /' ')
\ /
'\' _.7'
\ (
\ \

Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!

***@muslimmatch.com or ***@muslimmatch.com or

** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **

moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah were child
molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks

,/_ /
/ /
/'_'/' '/'__'7,
/'/ / / /" /_\
('( ' /' ')
\ /
'\' _.7'
\ (
\ \

Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!

***@muslimmatch.com or ***@muslimmatch.com or

Wassim Noujeim = Faris Jawad

Jordan Data Communication Ltd.

‹(•¿•)› ‹(•¿•)›moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah
were child molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks
이슬람의 성기를 빨아 당나귀 -
الإسلام يأخذ الحمار القضيب في الشرج ‹(•¿•)› ‹(•¿•)›

Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!


***@muslimmatch.com or ***@muslimmatch.com or
Thomas Santa - ***@med.usyd.edu.au

** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **

moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah were child
molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks

,/_ /
/ /
/'_'/' '/'__'7,
/'/ / / /" /_\
('( ' /' ')
\ /
'\' _.7'
\ (
\ \

Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!

***@muslimmatch.com or ***@muslimmatch.com or

** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **

moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah were child
molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks

,/_ /
/ /
/'_'/' '/'__'7,
/'/ / / /" /_\
('( ' /' ')
\ /
'\' _.7'
\ (
\ \

Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!

***@muslimmatch.com or ***@muslimmatch.com or

** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **

moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah were child
molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks

,/_ /
/ /
/'_'/' '/'__'7,
/'/ / / /" /_\
('( ' /' ')
\ /
'\' _.7'
\ (
\ \

Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!

***@muslimmatch.com or ***@muslimmatch.com or

** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **

moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah were child
molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks

,/_ /
/ /
/'_'/' '/'__'7,
/'/ / / /" /_\
('( ' /' ')
\ /
'\' _.7'
\ (
\ \

Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!

***@muslimmatch.com or ***@muslimmatch.com or

** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **

moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah were child
molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks

,/_ /
/ /
/'_'/' '/'__'7,
/'/ / / /" /_\
('( ' /' ')
\ /
'\' _.7'
\ (
\ \

Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!

***@muslimmatch.com or ***@muslimmatch.com or

** Posted from http://www.teranews.com **

moslem cartoon character mohammad and his bumchum allaah were child
molesting goat fuckers and nikomaks

,/_ /
/ /
/'_'/' '/'__'7,
/'/ / / /" /_\
('( ' /' ')
\ /
'\' _.7'
\ (
\ \

Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!

***@muslimmatch.com or ***@muslimmatch.com or

Wassim Noujeim = Faris Jawad

Jordan Data Communication Ltd.

Wassim Noujeim (shitskin moslem Faris Jawad) left Canada to attend a
terrorist training camp in Jordan, and he spent his last nigh in Canda
H4T1E3 CANADA,Hotel Front Desk: 1-514-7393391 :::: Shitskin moslem,
Wassim Noujeim, abusing this service :- Canada, Saint-laurent, QC
h4t1e3, Cote De Liesse Hotels, Bell Canada ---
Wassim Noujeim. 8110 Pesant Saint-Leonard, QC H1R 2Y2 Canada.
Phone: +1 514 728 0550 mailto: ***@yahoo.com -
---- 이슬람의 성기를 빨아 당나귀 - - الإسلام يأخذ الحمار القضيب في الشرج
‹(•¿•)› ‹(•¿•)›


Hamzeh Abu-Abed
Thomas Santa - ***@med.usyd.edu.au

Jordan Data Communication Ltd.

‹(•¿•)› ‹(•¿•)› Did you know? - bestiality is entrenched in the mozlim
cult - even the false profit mohammed had his harem of favourite goats
and camels. ‹(•¿•)› ‹(•¿•)› __


الإسلام يأخذ الحمار القضيب في الش


Jordan Data Communication Ltd.
