2009-12-26 22:05:13 UTC
Yes, but don't forget it would be racist to do otherwise. And don't
forget those six million murdered Jews. Or was it eleven million? In
gas chambers. Or was it gas ovens? Isn't tha what racism leads to? Ask
Gerry Gable, he'll assure you it is, when he isn't demonising the
wicked goyim with his "moles" inciting hatred and violence inside
diminuative far right organisations.
forget those six million murdered Jews. Or was it eleven million? In
gas chambers. Or was it gas ovens? Isn't tha what racism leads to? Ask
Gerry Gable, he'll assure you it is, when he isn't demonising the
wicked goyim with his "moles" inciting hatred and violence inside
diminuative far right organisations.
He is pointing out that as a country we accept with open arms anyone who
wishes to come here, irrespective of their intentions.
wishes to come here, irrespective of their intentions.