Florida Voter Fraud: Ann Coulter has some 'splainin to do.
(too old to reply)
2006-04-04 22:07:19 UTC
Coulter knowingly voted in the wrong precinct in Florida. And now the
State's Attorney wants answers.

From the Palm Beach Post: "[Coulter] wrote down an Indian Road address
instead of Seabreeze on her voter's registration application. And she
signed to certify the information as true.

"'She never lived here,' said Suzanne Frisbie, owner of the Indian
Road home. 'I'm Ann's realtor, and she used this address to forward
mail when she moved from New York.'

"Florida statutes make it a third-degree felony to vote knowingly in
the wrong precinct. Lying on a voter's registration can cost up to
$5,000 and five years behind bars."

And now this:

Elections officials to query GOP pundit

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

This time, claiming she doesn't even live here — as GOP pundit Ann
Coulter has been doing on this spring's college speaking tour when
she's questioned about her February election meltdown on Palm Beach —
isn't going to cut it.

Palm Beach County's elections supervisor has given the right wing's
unofficial mouthpiece 30 days to explain why she voted in the wrong

In a registered letter scheduled to be sent to her this week, Coulter
is asked to "clarify certain information as to her legal residence,"
elections boss Arthur Anderson said.

"We want to give her a chance," Anderson said. "She needs to tell us
where she really lives."

Or else? He could refer the case to State Attorney Barry Krischer for
criminal charges, Anderson said.

The letter, however, may be headed to the wrong house.

The bestselling author, whose The New Ann Coulter comes out in June,
owns a homestead on Seabreeze Avenue, near Worth Ave. Yet, the missive
is being sent to the Indian Road home of Realtor Suzanne Frisbie.
Coulter claimed in official elections documents to be living there,
which Frisbie denied last month.

"We have to send the registered letter to her address in our records,"
explained Charmaine Kelly, elections chief deputy. "If it comes back
unsigned, we'll deal with that."

In his official incident report released last week, poll worker Jim
Whited wrote that Coulter tried to vote in the Feb. 7 town council
election at Bethesda-by-the-Sea, the right place for a Seabreeze
resident. Coulter left in a hurry when, Whited said, he asked her to
correct the record. Later she cast her ballot at the St. Edward's
precinct, where real Indian Road residents go.


Coulter, a constitutional lawyer who relentlessly made fun of Palm
Beach County voters after the botched 2000 presidential election,
couldn't be reached for comment.

[Don't you love irony?]

This is what is known as a dilemma. If Coulter certifies that s/he
did not live at the Indian Road address from whence she voted, then
she is tacitly admitting to voter fraud. If Coulter certifies that
she did live there, she will be committing voter fraud -- and perjury.
Do the math, mAnn. Now, do the time.

"I think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to vote." -- Ann Coulter (Hannity and Colmes, Aug. 17, 1999)
2006-04-04 22:21:46 UTC
Why don't you give it a rest! You lost!
Post by D-word
Coulter knowingly voted in the wrong precinct in Florida. And now the
State's Attorney wants answers.
From the Palm Beach Post: "[Coulter] wrote down an Indian Road address
instead of Seabreeze on her voter's registration application. And she
signed to certify the information as true.
"'She never lived here,' said Suzanne Frisbie, owner of the Indian
Road home. 'I'm Ann's realtor, and she used this address to forward
mail when she moved from New York.'
"Florida statutes make it a third-degree felony to vote knowingly in
the wrong precinct. Lying on a voter's registration can cost up to
$5,000 and five years behind bars."
Elections officials to query GOP pundit
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
This time, claiming she doesn't even live here — as GOP pundit Ann
Coulter has been doing on this spring's college speaking tour when
she's questioned about her February election meltdown on Palm Beach —
isn't going to cut it.
Palm Beach County's elections supervisor has given the right wing's
unofficial mouthpiece 30 days to explain why she voted in the wrong
In a registered letter scheduled to be sent to her this week, Coulter
is asked to "clarify certain information as to her legal residence,"
elections boss Arthur Anderson said.
"We want to give her a chance," Anderson said. "She needs to tell us
where she really lives."
Or else? He could refer the case to State Attorney Barry Krischer for
criminal charges, Anderson said.
The letter, however, may be headed to the wrong house.
The bestselling author, whose The New Ann Coulter comes out in June,
owns a homestead on Seabreeze Avenue, near Worth Ave. Yet, the missive
is being sent to the Indian Road home of Realtor Suzanne Frisbie.
Coulter claimed in official elections documents to be living there,
which Frisbie denied last month.
"We have to send the registered letter to her address in our records,"
explained Charmaine Kelly, elections chief deputy. "If it comes back
unsigned, we'll deal with that."
In his official incident report released last week, poll worker Jim
Whited wrote that Coulter tried to vote in the Feb. 7 town council
election at Bethesda-by-the-Sea, the right place for a Seabreeze
resident. Coulter left in a hurry when, Whited said, he asked her to
correct the record. Later she cast her ballot at the St. Edward's
precinct, where real Indian Road residents go.
Coulter, a constitutional lawyer who relentlessly made fun of Palm
Beach County voters after the botched 2000 presidential election,
couldn't be reached for comment.
[Don't you love irony?]
This is what is known as a dilemma. If Coulter certifies that s/he
did not live at the Indian Road address from whence she voted, then
she is tacitly admitting to voter fraud. If Coulter certifies that
she did live there, she will be committing voter fraud -- and perjury.
Do the math, mAnn. Now, do the time.
"I think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to
vote." -- Ann Coulter (Hannity and Colmes, Aug. 17, 1999)
Cisco Kid
2006-04-04 23:04:05 UTC
Post by Jtm
Why don't you give it a rest! You lost!
No, the American public lost. As Supreme Court Justice Paul Stevens quoted,
"One thing, however, is certain. Although we may never know with complete
certainty the identity of the winner of this year's Presidential election,
the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the Nation's confidence
in the judge as an impartial guardian of the rule of law.
I respectfully dissent."
Post by Jtm
Post by D-word
Coulter knowingly voted in the wrong precinct in Florida. And now the
State's Attorney wants answers.
From the Palm Beach Post: "[Coulter] wrote down an Indian Road address
instead of Seabreeze on her voter's registration application. And she
signed to certify the information as true.
"'She never lived here,' said Suzanne Frisbie, owner of the Indian
Road home. 'I'm Ann's realtor, and she used this address to forward
mail when she moved from New York.'
"Florida statutes make it a third-degree felony to vote knowingly in
the wrong precinct. Lying on a voter's registration can cost up to
$5,000 and five years behind bars."
Elections officials to query GOP pundit
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
This time, claiming she doesn't even live here - as GOP pundit Ann
Coulter has been doing on this spring's college speaking tour when
she's questioned about her February election meltdown on Palm Beach -
isn't going to cut it.
Palm Beach County's elections supervisor has given the right wing's
unofficial mouthpiece 30 days to explain why she voted in the wrong
In a registered letter scheduled to be sent to her this week, Coulter
is asked to "clarify certain information as to her legal residence,"
elections boss Arthur Anderson said.
"We want to give her a chance," Anderson said. "She needs to tell us
where she really lives."
Or else? He could refer the case to State Attorney Barry Krischer for
criminal charges, Anderson said.
The letter, however, may be headed to the wrong house.
The bestselling author, whose The New Ann Coulter comes out in June,
owns a homestead on Seabreeze Avenue, near Worth Ave. Yet, the missive
is being sent to the Indian Road home of Realtor Suzanne Frisbie.
Coulter claimed in official elections documents to be living there,
which Frisbie denied last month.
"We have to send the registered letter to her address in our records,"
explained Charmaine Kelly, elections chief deputy. "If it comes back
unsigned, we'll deal with that."
In his official incident report released last week, poll worker Jim
Whited wrote that Coulter tried to vote in the Feb. 7 town council
election at Bethesda-by-the-Sea, the right place for a Seabreeze
resident. Coulter left in a hurry when, Whited said, he asked her to
correct the record. Later she cast her ballot at the St. Edward's
precinct, where real Indian Road residents go.
Coulter, a constitutional lawyer who relentlessly made fun of Palm
Beach County voters after the botched 2000 presidential election,
couldn't be reached for comment.
[Don't you love irony?]
This is what is known as a dilemma. If Coulter certifies that s/he
did not live at the Indian Road address from whence she voted, then
she is tacitly admitting to voter fraud. If Coulter certifies that
she did live there, she will be committing voter fraud -- and perjury.
Do the math, mAnn. Now, do the time.
"I think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to
vote." -- Ann Coulter (Hannity and Colmes, Aug. 17, 1999)
2006-04-04 23:17:09 UTC
Post by Jtm
Why don't you give it a rest! You lost!
Don't be silly Jim, we haven't lost anything. Was 2004 the last time
they hold elections? We're just getting started. 2006 is going to be
a great year for Democrats. Don't look back, look forward. The
revolution is here.

This post was actually about seeing Ann Coulter get some just
comeuppance. That is win-win, believe me. Even if Coulter manages to
slither out of it, she provides liberals with further entertainment --
in a year that hasn't stopped giving. If she gets snared by Florida law
(for voter fraud), well let's be honest: That is priceless.
Post by Jtm
Post by D-word
Coulter knowingly voted in the wrong precinct in Florida. And now the
State's Attorney wants answers.
From the Palm Beach Post: "[Coulter] wrote down an Indian Road address
instead of Seabreeze on her voter's registration application. And she
signed to certify the information as true.
"'She never lived here,' said Suzanne Frisbie, owner of the Indian
Road home. 'I'm Ann's realtor, and she used this address to forward
mail when she moved from New York.'
"Florida statutes make it a third-degree felony to vote knowingly in
the wrong precinct. Lying on a voter's registration can cost up to
$5,000 and five years behind bars."
Elections officials to query GOP pundit
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
This time, claiming she doesn't even live here - as GOP pundit Ann
Coulter has been doing on this spring's college speaking tour when
she's questioned about her February election meltdown on Palm Beach -
isn't going to cut it.
Palm Beach County's elections supervisor has given the right wing's
unofficial mouthpiece 30 days to explain why she voted in the wrong
In a registered letter scheduled to be sent to her this week, Coulter
is asked to "clarify certain information as to her legal residence,"
elections boss Arthur Anderson said.
"We want to give her a chance," Anderson said. "She needs to tell us
where she really lives."
Or else? He could refer the case to State Attorney Barry Krischer for
criminal charges, Anderson said.
The letter, however, may be headed to the wrong house.
The bestselling author, whose The New Ann Coulter comes out in June,
owns a homestead on Seabreeze Avenue, near Worth Ave. Yet, the missive
is being sent to the Indian Road home of Realtor Suzanne Frisbie.
Coulter claimed in official elections documents to be living there,
which Frisbie denied last month.
"We have to send the registered letter to her address in our records,"
explained Charmaine Kelly, elections chief deputy. "If it comes back
unsigned, we'll deal with that."
In his official incident report released last week, poll worker Jim
Whited wrote that Coulter tried to vote in the Feb. 7 town council
election at Bethesda-by-the-Sea, the right place for a Seabreeze
resident. Coulter left in a hurry when, Whited said, he asked her to
correct the record. Later she cast her ballot at the St. Edward's
precinct, where real Indian Road residents go.
Coulter, a constitutional lawyer who relentlessly made fun of Palm
Beach County voters after the botched 2000 presidential election,
couldn't be reached for comment.
[Don't you love irony?]
This is what is known as a dilemma. If Coulter certifies that s/he
did not live at the Indian Road address from whence she voted, then
she is tacitly admitting to voter fraud. If Coulter certifies that
she did live there, she will be committing voter fraud -- and perjury.
Do the math, mAnn. Now, do the time.
"I think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to
vote." -- Ann Coulter (Hannity and Colmes, Aug. 17, 1999)
Rat Senator Russ Slimemold
2006-04-04 23:24:33 UTC
Post by D-word
Post by Jtm
Why don't you give it a rest! You lost!
Don't be silly Jim, we haven't lost anything. Was 2004 the last time
they hold elections? We're just getting started. 2006 is going to be
a great year for Democrats. Don't look back, look forward. The
revolution is here.

After 12 years of saying that , dont you rats ever learn America rejects
commie radlib scum like you ? Move to Cuba you commie piece of maggot
2006-04-04 23:55:20 UTC
Post by Rat Senator Russ Slimemold
Post by D-word
Post by Jtm
Why don't you give it a rest! You lost!
Don't be silly Jim, we haven't lost anything. Was 2004 the last time
they hold elections? We're just getting started. 2006 is going to be
a great year for Democrats. Don't look back, look forward. The
revolution is here.
After 12 years of saying that , dont you rats ever learn America rejects
commie radlib scum like you ? Move to Cuba you commie piece of maggot
LOL. What a tard.
Cisco Kid
2006-04-05 03:57:03 UTC
Post by Rat Senator Russ Slimemold
Post by D-word
Post by Jtm
Why don't you give it a rest! You lost!
Don't be silly Jim, we haven't lost anything. Was 2004 the last time
they hold elections? We're just getting started. 2006 is going to be
a great year for Democrats. Don't look back, look forward. The
revolution is here.
After 12 years of saying that , dont you rats ever learn America
rejects commie radlib scum like you ? Move to Cuba you commie piece of
maggot shit.
Pretty bold statement coming from a party which had been out of power for
the previous 40 years.
Rat Senator Russ Slimemold
2006-04-04 23:16:39 UTC
Post by D-word
Coulter knowingly voted in the wrong precinct in Florida. And now the
State's Attorney wants answers.
Big deal. She voted once at the polling place on the wrong block.
Meanwhile Black criminal Democrats voted without ID , multiple times and in
multiple polling precints , and the laws that would stop that criminal black
activity is vetoed.

Pa. Gov. Rendell Plans to Veto Voter ID Bill
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Associted Press

PHILADELPHIA - Gov. Ed Rendell says he will veto a bill that would require
voters to show identification at the polls because he believes it would
disenfranchise some of the state's most vulnerable residents.

In otherwords, it would stop Black Criminals from voting more than once in
the same election, and Rendells Crime family will have none of that ! How
would they get elcted if not for Black criminals voting illegally ?
Elephant Kicker
2006-04-05 06:57:04 UTC
Post by Rat Senator Russ Slimemold
Big deal. She voted once at the polling place on the wrong block.
Still voter fraud by a right-wing pundit who makes her living whining about,
among other things, alleged voter fraud by others. It's as comical and
ironic as Limbaugh spending a decade and a half thumping his desk while
demanding that drug addicts be prosecuted and jailed, when it turns out that
he was one of the biggest addicts in Florida.

We love it when the light of truth casts its bright beam on the hypocricy of
the right wing.
Post by Rat Senator Russ Slimemold
Meanwhile Black criminal Democrats voted without ID , multiple times and in
multiple polling precints , and the laws that would stop that criminal black
activity is vetoed.
Got proof to cite? Didn't think so.
Post by Rat Senator Russ Slimemold
Pa. Gov. Rendell Plans to Veto Voter ID Bill
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Associted Press
PHILADELPHIA - Gov. Ed Rendell says he will veto a bill that would require
voters to show identification at the polls because he believes it would
disenfranchise some of the state's most vulnerable residents.
In otherwords, it would stop Black Criminals from voting more than once in
the same election, and Rendells Crime family will have none of that ! How
would they get elcted if not for Black criminals voting illegally ?
No, in other words Rendell recognized that nearly identical laws had been
repeatedly thrown out by the courts as being contrary to the Voting Rights
Act of 1965. Most Democrats try to avoid the futility of ramming through
laws that are doomed to be thrown out by the courts, at significant taxpayer
expense. It's the fiscally responsible thing to do. But, of course,
"fiscal responsibility" has become an obscene phrase as far as Republicans
are concerned.
Rat Senator Russ Slimemold
2006-04-05 16:24:14 UTC
Post by Elephant Kicker
Post by Rat Senator Russ Slimemold
Big deal. She voted once at the polling place on the wrong block.
Still voter fraud

Liar . Mistakigly voting a the wrong building is not fraud. Voting
multiple times like these Black criminal democrats did is.
ACORN's Branches
Reader Patty O. writes from Colorado, where the left-wing organization ACORN
has been implicated in voter registration fraud:

Here in Colorado at least three groups are involved in registration fraud.
ACORN, the New Voters Project and Colorado Progressive Coalition.

ACORN is headed by Wade Rathke. He helped found the United Labor Union in
1979, founded Local 100 of the Service Employees International in New
Orleans (affiliated with the AFL-CIO) and sits on the board of both the
Tides Foundation and Tides Center. The Tides Foundation receives money from

The New Voters Project lists on its' website one of it's main supporters,

The Colorado Progressive Coalition has on its' board of directors, Lena
Potyondy. She is the Political Director for the Denver Local #105 Service
Employees International.

I found all of this information within minutes of searching the internet.
I would love for people in other states where ACORN has surfaced or any
other group associated with voter registration fraud to search those groups
for similar links. If you recall the AFL-CIO was involved with the Oct. 5th
"Day of Protests" where several Republican campaign offices were stormed and
some people injured. I suspect they may be more involved in a lot of this
than many would care to believe. The smell of collusion is almost
Elephant Kicker
2006-04-05 18:20:03 UTC
Post by Rat Senator Russ Slimemold
Liar . Mistakigly voting a the wrong building is not fraud.
You can't mistakenly vote at the wrong building. You have to be registered
in the wrong precinct to show up on the voter roles in "the wrong building".
And when you intentionally provide an address where you've never lived as
your address of record for voter registration purposes, particularly if it's
in a precinct that's different from the one you should be voting, which
would generally present you with a slate of candidates for local office that
you have no business voting on, it becomes fraud. I don't know the exact
geopolitical boundaries involved in Coulter's case, but it's entirely
possible that a 1-block "mistake" could put someone not only in the
incorrect state legislative district, but could also have someone voting for
a U.S. Representative from the wrong Congressional district.

I'm no expert on Florida law, but where I live when you register to vote you
sign an affidavit, under penalty of felony perjury (complete with hefty
fines and jail time), where you swear that you actually reside at the
address you're providing on the voter registration form. Coulter didn't
just forget where she lived. She gave her realtor's home address as hers.
If she did that here, the Sherriff's deputies would be picking her up to get
her fitted for an orange jump suit.
Rat Senator Russ Slimemold
2006-04-05 19:37:09 UTC
Post by Elephant Kicker
Post by Rat Senator Russ Slimemold
Liar . Mistakigly voting a the wrong building is not fraud.
You can't mistakenly vote at the wrong building.

Why not? Democrats allowed voters that never registered to vote , vote in

Voter fraud, of course, was rampant in Missouri in the 2000 election (and
will probably be repeated this November). After an intensive investigation
of voter fraud, Missouri Secretary of State Matt Blunt issued his findings
in July, 2001. According to Blunt, at least 1,384 illegal votes tainted the
2000 election, including ballots cast by convicted felons, unregistered
voters, or dead voters. The U.S. Attorney in Missouri also conducted an
investigation of 1,000 phony voter registration cards that were submitted
during a St. Louis mayoral primary in March, 2001. Many of these cards were
allegedly submitted by dead politicians.
Cisco Kid
2006-04-05 23:48:07 UTC
Post by D-word
Post by Elephant Kicker
Post by Rat Senator Russ Slimemold
Liar . Mistakigly voting a the wrong building is not fraud.
You can't mistakenly vote at the wrong building.
Why not? Democrats allowed voters that never registered to vote , vote in
In my state it's called same day registration. Totally legal and encourages
more citizens to participate. I should add my state also typically has the
nation's highest turnout. As the head election official in my precinct of a
combination of expensive lakeside homes and some private colleges, we had an
84% turnout in the '04 general election.

Why do you hate democracy so much?

Are you perhaps really some Islamic terrorist?
2006-04-06 10:53:55 UTC
Post by Cisco Kid
Post by D-word
Post by Elephant Kicker
Post by Rat Senator Russ Slimemold
Liar . Mistakigly voting a the wrong building is not fraud.
You can't mistakenly vote at the wrong building.
Why not? Democrats allowed voters that never registered to vote , vote in
In my state it's called same day registration. Totally legal and
encourages more citizens to participate. I should add my state also
typically has the nation's highest turnout. As the head election official
in my precinct of a combination of expensive lakeside homes and some
private colleges, we had an 84% turnout in the '04 general election.
Let's see - like bussing thousands of folks up from Tijuana to VOTE on
Orange County?

Tell me how many folks in various Cook County (Chicago) cemeteries VOTED the
straight Democratic ticket in 2000?
To have Al Gore's Campaign manager (Daly of Chicago) WHINE and WHINE and
WHINE and WHINE about "voter fraud"
is like listening to the fox BITCH that there were not enough hens to
satisfy him!

Well we can always get out the FELON vote! If the DEAD can vote why not
FELONS? Here is an idea let's let Bin Laden vote!
2006-04-06 12:56:03 UTC
Post by KRP
Post by Cisco Kid
Post by D-word
Post by Elephant Kicker
Post by Rat Senator Russ Slimemold
Liar . Mistakigly voting a the wrong building is not fraud.
You can't mistakenly vote at the wrong building.
Why not? Democrats allowed voters that never registered to vote , vote in
In my state it's called same day registration. Totally legal and
encourages more citizens to participate. I should add my state also
typically has the nation's highest turnout. As the head election official
in my precinct of a combination of expensive lakeside homes and some
private colleges, we had an 84% turnout in the '04 general election.
Let's see - like bussing thousands of folks up from Tijuana to VOTE on
Orange County?
Tell me how many folks in various Cook County (Chicago) cemeteries VOTED the
straight Democratic ticket in 2000?
To have Al Gore's Campaign manager (Daly of Chicago) WHINE and WHINE and
WHINE and WHINE about "voter fraud"
is like listening to the fox BITCH that there were not enough hens to
satisfy him!
Well we can always get out the FELON vote! If the DEAD can vote why not
FELONS? Here is an idea let's let Bin Laden vote!
You mean you know where he is? You care where he is?
Maybe you should tell GW Bush, since he seems to have forgotten about
Bin Laden.
2006-04-06 18:14:51 UTC
Post by Bianca
Post by KRP
Post by Cisco Kid
Post by D-word
Post by Elephant Kicker
Post by Rat Senator Russ Slimemold
Liar . Mistakigly voting a the wrong building is not fraud.
You can't mistakenly vote at the wrong building.
Why not? Democrats allowed voters that never registered to vote , vote in
In my state it's called same day registration. Totally legal and
encourages more citizens to participate. I should add my state also
typically has the nation's highest turnout. As the head election official
in my precinct of a combination of expensive lakeside homes and some
private colleges, we had an 84% turnout in the '04 general election.
Let's see - like bussing thousands of folks up from Tijuana to VOTE on
Orange County?
Tell me how many folks in various Cook County (Chicago) cemeteries VOTED the
straight Democratic ticket in 2000?
To have Al Gore's Campaign manager (Daly of Chicago) WHINE and WHINE and
WHINE and WHINE about "voter fraud"
is like listening to the fox BITCH that there were not enough hens to
satisfy him!
Well we can always get out the FELON vote! If the DEAD can vote why not
FELONS? Here is an idea let's let Bin Laden vote!
You mean you know where he is? You care where he is?
Maybe you should tell GW Bush, since he seems to have forgotten about
Bin Laden.
Sure - didn't you know he was supervisor of elections in Palm Beach county
Elephant Kicker
2006-04-06 23:42:53 UTC
Post by Rat Senator Russ Slimemold
Liar . Mistakigly voting a the wrong building is not fraud.
You can't mistakenly vote at the wrong building. You have to be registered
in the wrong precinct to show up on the voter roles in "the wrong building".
And when you intentionally provide an address where you've never lived as
your address of record for voter registration purposes, particularly if it's
in a precinct that's different from the one you should be voting, which
would generally present you with a slate of candidates for local office that
you have no business voting on, it becomes fraud. I don't know the exact
geopolitical boundaries involved in Coulter's case, but it's entirely
possible that a 1-block "mistake" could put someone not only in the
incorrect state legislative district, but could also have someone voting for
a U.S. Representative from the wrong Congressional district.

I'm no expert on Florida law, but where I live when you register to vote you
sign an affidavit, under penalty of felony perjury (complete with hefty
fines and jail time), where you swear that you actually reside at the
address you're providing on the voter registration form. Coulter didn't
just forget where she lived. She gave her realtor's home address as hers.
If she did that here, the Sherriff's deputies would be picking her up to get
her fitted for an orange jump suit.
